• 山东省发现中国最大的金矿

    17-03-29 Chinas largest gold mine with 382.58 tons of reserves has been found in east Chinas Shandong province, China Central Television (CCTV) reports. 中央电视台报道,山东省东部地区发现中国最大的金矿,储量382.58吨。 The estimated economic value of the mine...

  • 纽约餐厅出售24K黄金比萨 售价2000美元

    17-01-07 A New York City restaurant is taking a stab at creating the most decadent pizza on the market with a pie topped in gold flakes, foie gras and even truffles. 纽约的一家餐馆正在尝试制作市面上最腐败的披萨,这种披萨表面覆盖了黄金薄片、鹅肝和松露。 The 2...

  • 土豪新选择:镀金镶钻带有特朗普表情的iPhone 7

    16-12-29 What gift do you get for the person who has everything? 你要给一个拥有一切的人送什么样的礼物呢? This year, one option is an iPhone 7 encased in solid gold, encrusted with diamonds and bearing the face of Donald Trump. Priced around $151,000, its ju...

  • 为什么运动员热衷于咬金牌?

    16-08-19 Its not a chocolate coin wrapped in gold foil, people. Thats actual metal that composes that Olympic medal, so why do athletes bite them? 大伙儿,这可不是包裹在金箔纸里的金币巧克力,奥运会金牌是货真价实的金属制品,那为什么运动员热衷于咬金牌? Theres...

  • The miser and his gold 守财奴

    16-08-17 Once upon a time there was a miser. He hid his gold under a tree. Every week he used to dig it up. One night a robber stole all the gold. When the miser came again, he found nothing but an empty hole. He was surprised, and then burst into tears.All...

  • The goose with the golden eggs 生金蛋的鹅

    16-08-17 One morning a countryman went to his gooses nest, and saw a yellow and glittering egg there. He took the egg home. To his delight, he found that it was an egg of pure gold. Every morning the same thing occurred, and he soon became rich by selling hi...

  • 钛金是目前制作人工关节的最理想材料

    16-07-21 Titanium is the leading material for artificial knee and hip joints because its strong, wear-resistant and nontoxic, but an unexpected discovery by Rice University physicists shows that the gold standard for artificial joints can be improved with th...

  • A Final Ease

    16-03-15 A Final Ease Barry Spacks After the vaunting reach for gold, feeling no need for a curtain-call, I'd leave the stage with ardor cooled as Sisyphus, at the foot of the hill, might give it all up, the crazy rote of shove and sweat he'd always known, c...

  • 安利雅姿发布含24K金的新型乳液

    15-11-25 Amway Artistry is launching a new type of cream that contains real 24-karat gold! 安利雅姿发布一款含有真24K金的新型乳液。 The new Artistry cream claims able to minimize the marks of aging on ones appearance. In addition, the essence of cape jasmine...

  • 千金买骨

    15-09-18 Shortly after King Zhao of the State of Yan came to the throne, he went to visit Guo Kui, an able and virtuous scholar, and asked for his advice on how to govern the state and make it strong, and how to avenge his father and wipe off the shame of th...