• 童年遭受性侵犯将导致将来出现健康问题

    10-07-22 Gay and bisexual(两性的,雌雄同体的) men enrolled in a long-term study of HIV who reported sexual abuse(性侵犯,性虐待) and social shaming in childhood experience psychosocial health problems later in life that could put them at greater risk for...

  • 马拉维同性恋情侣“分手”

    10-06-10 A gay couple who were jailed in Malawi have split after one of them moved in with a woman, according to reports. 据报道称,马拉维一对被监禁的同性恋情侣已分手,因其中一人与一名女子同居。 The pair were convicted under a law dating back to British colo...

  • 马拉维一对同性恋者被判14年监禁

    10-05-21 A judge in Malawi has imposed a maximum sentence of 14 years in prison with hard labour on a gay couple convicted of gross indecency and unnatural acts. 马拉维某法官判处一对犯下严重猥亵罪和非自然行为的同性恋者长达14年的监禁以及强迫劳役。 The pair we...

  • 瑞奇·马丁公开承认自己是同性恋

    10-04-04 以一曲《生命之杯》走红的著名拉丁歌手瑞奇马丁出柜了。本周一,他在微博上公开承认自己是同性恋,并表示做回真正的自己感到很快乐。马丁的性倾向多年来一直被媒体怀疑,但是因为怕影响到事业发展,因此他一直未予正面回应,这也让他承受了巨大的压力。 Ricky Martin a...

  • 美国某将军就荷兰同性恋士兵言论致歉

    10-03-31 A retired US general has apologised for suggesting that Dutch troops failed to stop the Srebrenica massacre in Bosnia in 1995 because some of them were gay. 一位退休美国将军曾暗示,荷兰军队未能阻止1995年发生在波斯尼亚的斯雷布雷尼察屠杀是因为军队中有...

  • 美国华盛顿特区批准同性恋婚姻

    10-03-04 More than 120 gay couples have received marriage licences in the US capital, Washington DC. 美国首都华盛顿特区,超过120对同性恋夫妻收到结婚许可证。 Couples queued outside the bureau before it opened to get the licence The District of Columbia became...

  • 乌干达某牧师宣传同性恋色情被视为“人格扭曲”

    10-02-19 A Ugandan clergyman's decision to show gay pornography to his congregation has been labelled as twisted, homophobic propaganda by a gay rights groups. 一位乌干达牧师向他的圣会成员展示同性恋色情的决定被同性恋权利组织视为扭曲的、害怕同性恋的传道。 Pas...

  • 肯尼亚官员阻止了一场“同性恋婚姻”

    10-02-12 Local chiefs and Kenyan officials have prevented a planned gay wedding in Kenya - where such unions are illegal. 肯尼亚地方首领和政府官员阻止了一场有预谋的同性恋婚姻,这种结合在肯尼亚是违法的。 The marriage had been due to take place in a private vi...

  • 美国军方对同性恋人员的排斥“应该结束”

    10-02-03 Openly gay people should be allowed to serve in the US military, the country's top commander has said. 美国最高军事指挥官称,公开的同性恋人员应该被允许进入美国军队服役。 Adm Mike Mullen told a Senate hearing into a ban on openly gay personnel职员,...

  • 美国联邦法院审理同性恋婚姻否决权问题

    10-01-12 The first US federal court case to determine whether states are allowed to ban same-sex marriages has opened in San Francisco, California. 美国加州联邦法院第一次判定其是否有权禁止同性恋婚姻案件在旧金山展开审理。 Two gay couples are testifying at the...