• walk-in closet 步入式衣橱

    14-03-20 A walk-in closet refers to a woman who is beard or disquise for a gay man that has not come out. 步入式衣橱指充当未出柜的男同性恋的假恋人、帮他掩饰身份的女人。 Example: Tad doesn't want his boss to know that he is gay, so Julie is totally being his...

  • 同性恋可能存在遗传基因

    14-03-02 In the last two decades, dozens of scientific papers have been published on the biological origins of homosexuality - another announcement was made last week. It's becoming scientific orthodoxy. But how does it fit with Darwin's theory of evolution?...

  • 乌干达总统将签署反同性恋法案

    14-02-24 Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni is set to sign into law a controversial new bill under which homosexuals could be given long prison terms. 乌干达总统约韦里穆塞韦尼将签署生效一份具有争议的法案,该法案规定同性恋者将被长期监禁。 He wants to approve t...

  • 詹森·柯林斯成NBA首位公开的同性恋球员

    14-02-24 Veteran basketball player Jason Collins has become the first openly gay athlete to play in a competitive game for a major US professional sports league. 老篮球运动员詹森柯林斯成为效力于美国职业体育联盟竞争比赛的第一位公开同性恋运动员。 A Boston Celt...

  • 弗吉尼亚州同性恋婚姻禁令被推翻

    14-02-14 A US federal judge in Virginia has ruled that the state's ban on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional. 美国弗吉尼亚州一位联邦法官做出裁决,该州禁止同性婚姻的做法是违反宪法的。 It is the first time that a southern state has had a voter-approved proh...

  • 肯尼亚作家瓦奈纳出柜

    14-01-22 Leading Kenyan author Binyavanga Wainaina has come out to say he is gay. 肯尼亚作家Binyavanga Wainaina出柜。 Binyavanga Wainaina won the 2002 Caine Prize for African Writing He made the disclosure in an article entitled: I am a homosexual, mum, coin...

  • 印度最高法院宣称同志性行为非法

    13-12-11 India's top court has upheld a law which criminalises gay sex, in a ruling seen as a major blow to gay rights. 印度最高法院对一项同志性行为非法化的法律表示支持,这一举措被认为是对同性恋权利的一次沉重打击。 The Supreme Court ruling reverses a landmar...

  • gayriage 同性婚姻

    13-12-10 Gayriage refers to marriage to a person of the same sex. When two men get 'married', it is a gayriage, while marriage between a woman and a woman is a lesriage. Gayriage指的是两个性别相同的人结成的婚姻。两个男人结婚,这种婚姻就叫gayriage,而两个女人...

  • 墨西哥首位公开的同性恋市长上任

    13-09-16 The first openly gay mayor in Mexico's history has been sworn in at a ceremony in city of Fresnillo. 墨西哥历史上首位公开的同性恋市长在弗雷斯尼洛市的一场就职典礼中上任。 Medrano said reducing gang related violence was his main priority for Fresnillo...

  • 英国某大学调查新生性取向遭批评

    13-09-13 A college has been condemned for asking 16 and 17-year-old students whether they were gay or straight on registration forms. 英国巴恩斯利学院在学生注册表上列出选项,询问其是同性恋还是异性恋,以及是否是变性人。 Form: The registration paperwork for Ba...