• 天然气不能有效缓解全球变暖

    14-07-22 Both shale gas and conventional natural gas have a larger greenhouse gas footprint than do coal or oil, especially for the primary uses of residential and commercial heating. Dr. Robert Howarth, a professor of ecology and environmental biology, came...

  • 高速气流从超重黑洞中逃逸

    14-06-20 An international team of astronomers, using data from several NASA and European Space Agency (ESA) space observatories, has discovered unexpected behavior from the supermassive black hole at the heart of the galaxy NGC 5548, located 244.6 million li...

  • 乌克兰拒绝俄罗斯的天然气折扣

    14-06-12 Russia's President Vladimir Putin has said a gas price discount deal offered to Ukraine was designed to help its economy. 俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔普京称,对乌克兰出口天然气的价格折扣目的在于帮助其恢复经济。 After another round of negotiations, Ukraine r...

  • 中俄签署为期30年的天然气贸易协定

    14-05-22 Russia's President Vladimir Putin has signed a multi-billion dollar, 30-year gas deal with China. 俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔普京与中国签署了一份价值数十亿美元、长达30年的天然气交易协议。 Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller (centre) and CNPC Chairman Zhou Jiping sha...

  • 乌克兰燃气价格将上涨50%

    14-03-27 Ukraine's interim government says it will raise gas prices for domestic consumers by 50% in an effort to secure an International Monetary Fund (IMF) aid package. 乌克兰临时政府将家庭燃气价格提升50%以确保实施国际货币基金组织的援助项目。 An official a...

  • 立陶宛呼吁美国向欧洲出口天然气

    14-03-26 Lithuania's energy minister has called on the US Senate to speed up the export of natural gas to Europe. 立陶宛能源部长呼吁美国参议员加速实现天然气出口欧洲。 Jaroslav Neverovic said that Lithuania was being forced to pay a political price for being...

  • 纽约发生煤气爆炸事故 6人死亡

    14-03-13 At least six people have died and several are missing after a gas leak sparked an explosion which levelled two buildings in New York City. 纽约城内发生煤气泄露爆炸事故,两座建筑被夷为平地,至少6人死亡、多人失踪。 Scores of others were injured in the...

  • 气体云是星体诞生的地方

    14-02-24 Using a telescope installed at the driest place on earth -- Ridge A in Antarctica -- a UNSW-led team of researchers has identified a giant gas cloud which appears to be in an early stage of formation. Giant clouds of molecular gas -- the most massiv...

  • 美国天然气系统存在泄露隐患

    14-02-15 The first thorough comparison of evidence for natural gas system leaks confirms that organizations including the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have underestimated U.S. methane emissions generally, as well as those from the natural gas indust...

  • 华盛顿地下天然气管道发现5893多处泄露

    14-01-18 More than 5,893 leaks from aging natural gas pipelines have been found under the streets of Washington, D.C. by a research team from Duke University and Boston University. A dozen of the leaks could have posed explosion risks, the researchers said....