• 控制温室气体甲烷排放量

    11-03-02 Methane(甲烷) is an extremely potent(有效的) greenhouse gas. Wetlands, gas hydrates, permafrost(永久冻土) , termites(白蚁类) , oceans, freshwater bodies, non-wetland soils, are all natural sources of atmospheric methane; however, the majorit...

  • 陆地淡水中释放的甲烷超过预测值

    11-01-07 An international team of scientists has released data indicating that greenhouse gas uptake(摄取,领会) by continents is less than previously thought because of methane emissions from freshwater areas. John Downing, an Iowa State University profes...

  • 墨西哥湾海域甲烷含量趋于正常水平

    11-01-07 Calling the results extremely surprising, researchers from the University of California, Santa Barbara and Texas AM University report that methane(甲烷,沼气) gas concentrations in the Gulf of Mexico have returned to near normal levels only months...

  • 黑洞是何时形成的?

    10-12-28 Most galaxies in the universe, including our own Milky Way, harbor super-massive black holes varying in mass from about one million to about 10 billion times the size of our sun. To find them, astronomers look for the enormous amount of radiation em...

  • 江河水道中富含温室气体

    10-12-21 Nitrous oxide(一氧化二氮) , a potent greenhouse gas, has increased by more than 20 percent over the last century, and nitrogen in waterways is fueling part of that growth, according to a Michigan State University study. Based on this new study, th...

  • 火山喷发相关词汇2

    10-08-31 fluid lava flow 流动的熔岩流 fracture 破裂 froth 泡沫,废物 Fuji 富士山(在日本本州岛上的死火山) funnel-shaped crater 漏斗型的火山口 gas pressure 气压 gaseous 气体的,气态的 geologic 地质(学)的,地质(学)上的 geologist 地质学者 geophysicist 地球...

  • 利用细菌可将石油转化为天然气

    10-06-18 Some bacteria destroy oil. Might those bacteria lead oil companies to change their methods of harvesting the energy of the oil while at the same time reducing the carbon dioxide(二氧化碳) that burning oil and gasoline(汽油) discharges into the a...

  • 天文学家发现银河系气体云来源之线索

    10-05-28 A surprising discovery that hydrogen gas clouds found in abundance(充足的,大量的) in and above our Milky Way Galaxy have preferred locations has given astronomers a key clue about the origin of such clouds, which play an important part in galaxy...

  • Gum 19恒星形成星云的亮面与暗面

    10-04-01 Gum 19 is located in the direction of the constellation(星座,荟萃) Vela (the Sail) at a distance of approximately 22 000 light years. The Gum 19 moniker(绰号,名字) derives from(源于,来自) a 1955 publication by the Australian astrophysicist...

  • 科学家发现便于深入研究的太阳系外部行星

    10-03-18 This is a normal, temperate(温和的,适度的) exoplanet(外部行星) just like dozens we already know, but this is the first whose properties we can study in depth(深入地,全面地) , says Claire Moutou, who is part of the international team of 60 as...