• 中俄天然气水下隧道已完工验收

    19-03-29 Construction of two underwater tunnels for the China-Russia east-route natural gas pipeline has been completed and passed acceptance checks, constructors said. 中-俄东线天然气管道两条水底隧道已经完工并通过检查验收。 The two tunnels, each 1,139 meter...

  • 沙特在红海发现大量天然气

    19-03-08 Saudi Arabia on Thursday announced the discovery of massive natural gas reserves in the Red Sea, the Saudi Press Agency reported. 沙特阿拉伯周四宣布,该国在红海地区发现了储量丰富的天然气。 Saudi Energy Minister Khalid Al-Falih said Saudi Aramco, off...

  • 渤海发现大型油气田

    19-02-26 China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) announced on Monday that high-quality and high-yield oil flow has been discovered in its Bozhong 19-6 gas field, located in the Bozhong Sag in the Bohai Sea area, China Central Televison reported. 中国...

  • 研究:禁用塑料反而会增加温室气体排放量

    18-12-23 An outright ban on plastics could cause even more harm to the environment and lead to triple the amount of greenhouse gas emissions. 完全禁用塑料可能对环境造成更大的危害,导致温室气体排放量增加至之前的三倍。 Thats the finding of experts from Herriot...

  • 四川火山岩工业井中发现天然气

    18-12-18 Chinas southwestern Sichuan Province has dug an industrial well that pumps gas from volcanic stratum, the first of its kind in the Sichuan basin, a major gas production area in China. 四川省一眼工业井可以从火山岩地层中抽出天然气,这在四川盆地尚属首...

  • 中国成世界上最大的天然气进口国

    18-06-25 China has surpassed Japan to become worlds largest importer of natural gas. 中国超过日本成为世界上最大的天然气进口国。 In order to meet President Xi Jinpings goal of cutting pollution, many factories and households have abandoned coal boilers, turni...

  • 亚投行与中国公司签署天然气协议

    18-03-20 The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) signed a natural gas project with a Chinese company Monday to improve the air quality in Beijing. 亚洲基础设施投资银行与中国一家公司签署一份天然气协议以改善北京空气质量。 It is the common responsibilit...

  • 中国将降低非居民用户天然气价格

    17-08-31 China will cut the price of natural gas for non-residential users to ease the burden on downstream industry players. 中国将降低非居民用户的天然气价格以减轻下游企业经营者的负担。 From Friday, the benchmark price at urban natural gas stations for non-...

  • 5条小窍门让你在切洋葱时不再流泪

    17-08-30 1. 切洋葱前先冷藏或冷冻 According to the Institute, putting onions in the fridge 30 minutes or in the freezer for 10-15 minutes before chopping can prevent the stinging as the cold stops tear-jerking gas from being produced. 2. 将洋葱浸泡在水中 Anot...

  • 百度公布奇葩搜索前12名排行榜

    17-08-06 A list of top 12 weird searches revealed by Baidu, the leading search engine in China, boomed recently, showing the wild imagination of Chinese web users. 国内搜索引擎巨头百度公布了奇葩搜索问题前12名排行榜,这份近日备受关注的榜单展示了国内网友的奇葩...