• 激光可以嗅出有毒气体

    14-12-04 Scientists have developed a way to sniff out tiny amounts of toxic gases -- a whiff of nerve gas, for example, or a hint of a chemical spill -- from up to one kilometer away. The new technology can discriminate one type of gas from another with grea...

  • ABB将帮助中国发展大规模页岩气开发计划

    14-11-14 Swiss-based power and automation technology firm ABB has announced plans to help develop China's first large-scale shale gas project. 总部设在瑞士的能源与自动化技术公司ABB宣布帮助中国发展首个大规模页岩气开发计划。 ABB is going to be working with Sin...

  • 乌克兰与俄罗斯举行天然气争端新会谈

    14-10-30 A new round of talks is underway between Ukraine and Russia to try to settle their dispute over natural gas supplies. 乌克兰与俄罗斯就天然气供应争端展开了新一轮会谈。 The Energy Ministers from the two countries are meeting in Brussels under the medi...

  • 中国油价可能将下调

    14-10-27 With global crude prices falling over the past week, another window for adjusting down China's retail prices of gasoline and diesel will open next week, analysts said. 分析师表示,过去一周全球原油价格下降,中国汽油与柴油的零售价下调的窗口将于下周开...

  • 普京承诺不会制造天然气危机

    14-10-17 Russian President Vladimir Putin is promising not to create a gas crisis in Europe. 俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔普京承诺,不会在欧洲制造一场天然气危机。 Speaking at a ceremony in Belgrade, Serbia marking the 70th anniversary of the former Yugoslavia's liber...

  • 使用天然气不会影响二氧化碳排放

    14-09-25 Abundant supplies of natural gas will do little to reduce harmful U.S. emissions causing climate change, according to researchers at UC Irvine, Stanford University, and the nonprofit organization Near Zero. They found that inexpensive gas boosts ele...

  • 大质量星系能吞食附近小星系增加质量

    14-09-20 Massive galaxies in the Universe have stopped making their own stars and are instead snacking on nearby galaxies, according to research by Australian scientists. Astronomers looked at more than 22,000 galaxies and found that while smaller galaxies a...

  • 水力压裂法的环境成本与收益

    14-09-15 A strange thing happened on the way to dealing with climate change: Advances in hydraulic fracturing put trillions of dollars' worth of previously unreachable oil and natural gas within humanity's grasp. The environmental costs -- and benefits -- fr...

  • 天然气开采对公众健康的影响

    14-08-13 Groundwater and air quality testing before, during, and after natural gas drilling -- which includes hydraulic fracturing -- should be key components of efforts to ensure the safety of communities near these sites, according to an expert panel conve...

  • 天然气开采带来的环境影响仍然未知

    14-08-04 In the United States, natural-gas production from shale rock(页岩) has increased by more than 700 percent since 2007. Yet scientists still do not fully understand the industry's effects on nature and wildlife, according to a report in the journal...