• 中国将促进天然气的使用

    17-07-05 China will accelerate the use of natural gas to combat pollution. 中国将加快天然气的使用以消除污染。 China will promote efficient, large-scale use of natural gas in sectors including industrial fuel, gas-fired power and transportation, according to...

  • 日本公司推出“无泪洋葱”

    16-08-08 Onions may be one of the healthiest, most flavorful vegetables on the face of the Earth, but theyre definitely no fun to chop. However, your days of getting teary-eyed in the kitchen may be coming to an end as Japanese company House Foods Group prep...

  • 死亡照片

    16-03-09 It was vacationing on the Greek island of Corfu for about a month in August of 1992. I rent a motorcycle and head into the interior of the island in search of isolated trails and sleepy villages. I rode for hours along dirt trails flanked by bright...

  • 天然气热分解自催化技术生产新式纳米线

    16-02-03 A team of Korean researchers, affiliated with UNIST has recently pioneered in developing a new simple nanowire manufacturing technique that uses self-catalytic growth process assisted by thermal decomposition of natural gas. According to the researc...

  • 中国打破岩气开采技术外国垄断局面

    15-12-30 China's largest oil and gas producer has announced that its shale gas project in southwest Chongqing has an annual production capacity of 5 billion cubic meters. 中国最大的石油和天然气生产商宣布,在重庆的页岩气开采工程的年开采量已经达到50亿立方米。...

  • 冰岛火山毒气三倍于欧洲所有工厂排放量

    15-09-25 A huge volcanic eruption in Iceland emitted on average three times as much of a toxic gas as all European industry combined, a study has revealed. Discharge of lava from the eruption at Brarbunga volcano released a huge mass - up to 120,000 tonnes p...

  • 北极冻土中的碳排放能造成43万亿美元损失

    15-09-23 Increased greenhouse gas emissions from the release of carbon dioxide and methane contained in the Arctic permafrost could result in $43 trillion in additional economic damage by the end of the next century, according to researchers from the Univers...

  • 新研究或揭开月球火喷泉之谜

    15-08-26 Tiny beads of volcanic glass found on the lunar surface during the Apollo missions are a sign that fire fountain eruptions took place on the Moon's surface. Now, scientists from Brown University and the Carnegie Institution for Science have identifi...

  • 气体巨星的形成之谜

    15-08-21 Queen's University researcher Martin Duncan has co-authored a study that solves the mystery of how gas giants such as Jupiter and Saturn formed in the early solar system. In a paper published this week in the journal Nature, Dr. Duncan, along with c...

  • 天然气开采泄露的化合物可能影响人类生殖发育

    14-12-08 Unconventional oil and gas (UOG) operations combine directional drilling and hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, to release natural gas from underground rock. Recent discussions have centered on potential air and water pollution from chemicals used i...