• 《奇幻森林》精彩语句

    17-07-07 1. Chin up, little one. 别灰心,小家伙。 2. In some packs, the runt gets eaten. 某些族群里最小的会被吃掉。 3. I thought I made myself clear. 我想我说得够清楚了。 4. No need to get worked up. Okay? 不用那么激动,好吗? 5. Then lets quit wasting time...

  • 腾讯限定《王者荣耀》的游戏时间

    17-07-05 Chinese tech giant Tencent is implementing strict new rules on its widely-popular online game King of Glory in response to concerns from parents. 面对家长们的担忧,腾讯将对其广受欢迎的在线游戏《王者荣耀》执行严格的限制。 Under the new restrictions,...

  • 《神探夏洛克:可恶的新娘》精彩词句

    17-06-13 1. Between us we could afford them. 我们一起应该能付得起房租。 2. Do stop loitering by the door and come in. 别在门外晃了,进来吧。 3. My Boswell is learning. 我的传记作者学到了东西。 4. Beyond a doubt, it is her. 这肯定是她,无可置疑。 5. More to t...

  • 中国游戏解说员收入丰厚

    17-05-08 An attractive voice can get you a recording contract, but in China, talking the talk can get you thousands of followers, dollars and a career as a video game anchor. 有磁性的声音可以让你获得一份唱片合约,但在中国,说得头头是道可以让你获得千万粉丝、...

  • 英国相亲真人秀《克隆人的游戏》

    17-03-09 Game of Clones is a British dating reality show that has contestants describe the physical attributes of their perfect man/woman in great detail and then choose between several candidates that all look and dress the same. Apparently, the idea this n...

  • 中国游戏开发商在苏格兰建分公司

    17-03-03 A Chinese game developer is investing in a new studio in Scotland. 中国某游戏开发商将要在苏格兰开设一家新工作室。 Skymoons, who are behind several popular games such as Zombie Wars and Seer Superheroes, have launched the studio in Edinburgh in order...

  • name的不同短语表达

    17-02-27 1. Make a name for yourself 成名、出名 How do you make a name for yourself without scoring the basketball? 在篮球场上你如果没有得分的强项,如何能有名气呢? 2. Call someone names 谩骂某人 It is not polite to call someone names. 骂人是不礼貌的行为。 3...

  • game face 比赛脸

    16-08-24 Michael Phelps game face spawned the best meme of the Rio Olympics. His death stare at South African rival Chad le Clos before the 200-meter butterfly seminfinals Monday night became an instant internet sensation. 菲尔普斯的比赛脸引发了里约奥运会最...

  • 安迪·穆雷二度获得温网男单冠军

    16-07-11 British number one Andy Murray beat Canadian sixth seed Milos Raonic to win his second Wimbledon title in the mens singles final on Sunday. 周日举行的温网男单决赛中,英国一号种子选手安迪穆雷打败加拿大六号种子米洛斯拉奥历,获得人生第二个温网冠军。 Ce...

  • mayhem 暴力冲突

    16-06-28 The Euro 2016 game between Russia and England ended with scenes of mayhem on Saturday as scores of Russian fans charged into a section full of rival supporters, throwing missiles, tearing down flags and fighting with anyone who remained in their way...