• 2015女足世界杯持续升温

    15-06-19 Global television audiences for the Women's World Cup in Canada bounced sharply higher in the opening days of the tournament and merchandise flew off the shelves, underscoring the growing popularity of the beautiful game. 本届女足世界杯在加拿大开幕...

  • Opening Day Riddle

    15-03-02 Three elderly ladies are excited about seeing their first baseball game. They smuggle a bottle of Jack Daniels into the ball park. The game is really exciting and they are enjoying themselves immensely...mixing the Jack Daniel's with soft drinks. So...

  • 马里奥与人工智能

    15-01-24 Anybody can make Mario, Nintendo's world-famous little plumber, race through the Mushroom Kingdom, chasing coins. But what if Mario could do it on his own? 《超级马里奥》是任天堂游戏公司出品的世界级名作,任何人都可以控制水管工马里奥在蘑菇王国中跑着...

  • 英国演员卷福即将荣升当爸

    15-01-12 British actor Benedict Cumberbatch is to become a father as his partner Sophie Hunter is pregnant, it has been confirmed. 英国演员卷福本尼迪克特康伯巴奇和未婚妻苏菲亨特将迎来二人爱的结晶,卷福。 In a statement to the Guardian, the star's publicist s...

  • derby 德比大战

    14-12-23 In many countries the term local derby, or simply just derby means a sporting fixture between two teams from the same town, city or region, particularly in association football. 在很多国家,本地德比(local derby)或者德比( derby )都指来自同一个小...

  • Xiang Ling in Grass Game

    14-12-18 On baoyu's birthday the young ladies held a drinking party in which they composed poems and much fun. Their service maids started a game of their own. Xiang Ling, Xue Fan's concubine, collected some flower and grass and began a grass game with the o...

  • 自拍桌游——享受自拍者的圣诞礼物

    14-12-14 Whether on a night out with friends, stuck in a traffic jam or at the airport ready to go on holiday, someone is always at the ready with their phone, capturing the moment for Facebook or Instagram. 无论是晚上和朋友约会,还是外出堵在路上,甚至是在候...

  • somersault celebration 后空翻

    14-08-28 Klose came off from the bench in the 69th minute when Germany were trailing 1-2. He made an immediate impact when he scored in the 71st minute. The game ended 2-2 but Klose's famous somersault celebration after the all important goal will be remembe...

  • 2014世界杯最差阵容

    14-07-21 2014巴西世界杯已结束,就像电影史上有奥斯卡奖也有金酸梅奖一样,这一次我们评出的可是最差阵容哦。 最烂门将:伊戈尔卡西利亚斯(Iker Casillas Fernndez) South Africa's Golden Glove winner had a terrible tournament. In the opening game, Casillas's errors...

  • peekaboo 躲猫猫

    14-07-10 One of us hides our eyes and then slowly reveals them, which causes peals of laughter from a baby. This game is called peekaboo . 遮住双眼,手再缓缓移开,这样的动作会把婴儿逗得咯咯笑。这种游戏就叫躲猫猫。 An early theory of why babies enjoy peekaboo...