• 《远距离爱情》精彩语句

    14-06-25 For us to push back from the gate, make sure seatbelts are fastened, tray tables in their locked position, and your luggage is completely stowed. 在飞机起飞以前,确保系紧安全带,餐桌在固定的位置,行李都完全放好。 I am going to get wasted. 我要去大醉...

  • 本届世界杯场均进球数不断刷新

    14-06-22 Current edition of the World Cup is on pace to average more goals per game than any tournament since 1958. 继1958年瑞典世界杯之后,本届世界杯的场均进球数如狂潮般不断刷新。 Germany just hung four on Portugal. It was a bit of a shocking result, at lea...

  • 诚实胜于名誉

    14-06-10 A while back, there was a story about Reuben Gonzolas, Who was in the final match of his first professional racquetball(回力网球) toumament at match point in the fifth and final game, Gonzolas made a super kill shot into the front corner to win th...

  • 任天堂拒绝在游戏中设立同性恋角色

    14-05-08 Nintendo has said it will not allow gamers to play as gay characters in its life-simulation game Tomodachi Life. 任天堂称,不会允许游戏玩家在其人生模拟游戏《朋友收藏集》中扮演同性恋人物。 The game features a cast of Mii characters or personalised av...

  • 虚拟伙伴可以让锻炼者获得额外动力

    14-05-03 A cyber buddy might just give exercise enthusiasts -- and those who are less than enthused -- the extra nudge they need during a workout, new research suggests. 一项新的研究显示,一个虚拟伙伴可以让锻炼热爱者,还有那些不那么狂热的锻炼者,在锻炼过程中...

  • The Phone Stack 叠手机游戏

    14-03-27 Don't you hate it when a nice meal with friends is constantly interrupted by beeping iPhones and Androids? Well, a buzzy new game called The Phone Stack offers an amusing solution. 想跟朋友好好吃顿饭却频繁被手机声打断的时候是不是很烦?现在,有个叫叠...

  • 奥巴马冬奥会打赌输啤酒

    14-02-23 Call it the Great Beer Bet of 2014. President Obama is putting a few brewskis on the line in a wager with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper as the men's and women's hockey teams from the U.S. and Canada are set to face off in the Olympics. 未来...

  • 李娜打入2014澳网公开赛决赛

    14-01-23 Li Na and Dominika Cibulkova will compete for the Australian Open title after both enjoyed convincing semi-final victories. 李娜与多米尼卡齐布科娃将共同角逐本届澳网公开赛冠军头衔。 Li dominated against teenager Eugenie Bouchard, racing into a 5-0 le...

  • 澳男子捉迷藏被困洗衣机内

    14-01-13 Police in Australia have rescued a naked man who got stuck inside a washing machine while playing a game of hide-and-seek. 澳大利亚的警察近日解救了一名玩捉迷藏时裸身卡在洗衣机里的男人。 The man reportedly hid inside the top-loading machine so he cou...

  • 韩国将立法打击网游成瘾

    13-12-20 South Korea's parliament is considering a law that would classify online gaming as potentially antisocial addiction alongside gambling, drugs and alcohol. 韩国议会拟通过一项法律,将网络游戏与赌博、吸毒和酗酒一并列入潜在反社会上瘾症。 The bill has wo...