• 我国首辆火星车命名“祝融号”

    21-04-25 在江苏南京举行的2021年中国航天日启动暨中国航天大会开幕仪式上,国家航天局正式公布我国首辆火星车命名为祝融,全称祝融号。 Zhurong is the god of fire in ancient Chinese mythology. Literally, Zhu (meaning wish) expresses the good wishes for humankinds ex...

  • add fuel to the fire 火上浇油

    21-01-06 火上浇油,汉语成语,同火上加油。意思是往火上倒油(pour oil on the flames ),比喻使别人更加愤怒,使事态更加严重。可以翻译为add fuel to the fire;aggravate the situation,make the situation worse。 例句: 别把这事告诉她,你只会火上浇油。 Dont tell he...

  • get on like a house on fire 一见如故

    20-11-09 表达 get on like a house on fire 的意思是 与某人相处得很好,很合得来,它尤其用来表示与刚认识的某个人情投意合,一见如故。如果两个人 get on like a house on fire,那么他们之间通常有许多共同点,所以在认识不久后,很快就成为了朋友。 例句 I met our new col...

  • 20-10-18 1. Its hot! 这真辣! 除了spicy以外,最常用的形容食物辣的单词就是hot。在这里要注意的是,hot除指辣以外还可以指烫,日常对话中可根据谈话判断词义。在不确定时可以反问:Spicy-hot or temperature-hot? 你指的是辣还是烫? 2. Its got a kick! 这个有点辣! Kick作...

  • 和fire有关的几个英语表达

    20-03-25 1You re on fire on fire 有着火的意思,但 You re on fire 其实是在说你状态很好;火力全开。其实有玩游戏的伙伴们应该也会常听到这个表达,主角们很爱说 I m on fire。 *不过 on fire 有时也能表达极其性感、受欢迎、非常热情,主要还是要看语境理解哦~ 例句 Jill s...

  • 中国公布消防执法改革指导方针

    19-07-29 The general offices of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and the State Council have published a new guideline to deepen the reform of firefighting law enforcement. 中共中央委员会总办公室发布一份关于深化消防执法改革的指导方针。 Chi...

  • 巴黎圣母院大火可能由香烟或电路故障引起

    19-06-27 A badly stubbed-out cigarette or an electrical fault could have started the devastating fire that ripped through Notre-Dame cathedral in April, Paris prosecutors said Wednesday, ruling out any criminal intent. 巴黎检控官周三表示,燃烧的香烟或电路故...

  • 故宫举行紧急消防演习

    19-04-18 The management of the Palace Museum, also known as the Forbidden City, held an emergency meeting on fire prevention on Tuesday. 故宫管理处周二举行一场紧急消防演习。 Most of the structures in the Palace Museum are made of wood. During the 550 years o...

  • 故宫举行紧急消防演习

    19-04-18 The management of the Palace Museum, also known as the Forbidden City, held an emergency meeting on fire prevention on Tuesday. 故宫管理处周二举行一场紧急消防演习。 Most of the structures in the Palace Museum are made of wood. During the 550 years o...

  • 法国亿万富翁将出资重建巴黎圣母院

    19-04-16 French billionaire Francois-Henri Pinault pledged 100 million euros ($113 million) on Monday towards the rebuilding of Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris, which was partly gutted by a devastating fire. 法国亿万富翁弗朗西斯-亨利皮诺特周一承诺将拿出1亿欧元...