• 肾癌药物特癌适对间皮瘤有效

    11-05-02 A drug commonly used to treat kidney cancer may increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy(化学疗法) for mesothelioma(间皮瘤) , according to a study published in the May issue of the Journal of Thoracic Oncology. Temsirolimus, a kinase(激酶) i...

  • 青少年更频繁地使用电脑引起顾虑

    11-04-26 Researchers at Queen's University have found a strong association between computer and Internet use in adolescents and engagement in multiple-risk behaviours (MRB), including illicit(违法的) drug use, drunkenness and unprotected sex. This research...

  • 大多年轻人对科技产品已“上瘾”

    11-04-16 Withdrawal symptoms experienced by young people deprived of gadgets and technology is compared to those felt by drug addicts or smokers going cold turkey, a study has concluded. 一项研究得出结论说,年轻人被迫脱离科技产品时感觉到的症状和瘾君子突然戒...

  • 研究用药可能减少非随意运动

    11-04-13 Results of the first randomized, placebo-controlled long-term clinical trial show the investigational drug safinamide may reduce dyskinesia(运动障碍) or involuntary movements(非随意运动) in mid-to-late stage Parkinson's disease. The findings wil...

  • 墨西哥民众游行抗议毒品暴力

    11-04-07 Protest marches have been held in more than 20 cities across Mexico against the drug-related violence sweeping the country. 墨西哥国内20多个城市的民众举行游行示威,抗议国内不断发生的与毒品相关的暴力事件。 Thousands of people joined the protest in th...

  • 密歇根大学研制出抗癌新药AT-406

    11-03-30 Researchers at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center have developed a new drug called AT-406 with potential to treat multiple types of cancer. A study, published this week in the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, showed that AT-406 ef...

  • 奥巴马资金支持中美打击贩毒

    11-03-23 US President Barack Obama - on a visit to El Salvador - has promised $200m (122m) to fight drug trafficking and gang violence in Central America. 美国总统奥巴马(在萨尔瓦多访问中)承诺向中美国家援助2亿美元以对抗毒品走私和黑帮暴力。 Mr Obama was full...

  • 美国侦察机搜集墨西哥贩毒团伙情报

    11-03-17 The US has been sending unarmed drones over Mexico since February to gather intelligence on major drug cartels, the Mexican government has confirmed. 墨西哥政府证实,自二月开始,美国多次向其境内派遣无人侦察机收集主要贩毒集团的情报。 The high-altitud...

  • 提高药品试验结果的可靠性

    11-03-09 It's all too familiar: researchers announce the discovery of a new drug that eradicates(根除,消灭) disease in animals. Then, a few years later, the drug bombs in human trials. In the latest issue of the journal PLoS Medicine, ethics experts Jonat...

  • 墨西哥南部发现一处乱葬岗

    11-03-02 Soldiers in Mexico have found at least 17 bodies in a grave in the southern state of Guerrero, officials say. 墨西哥官员称,士兵在南部格雷罗州发现一座坟墓,其中至少埋藏着17具尸体。 The bodies were unearthed(发掘) in the town of San Miguel Totolapa...