• 新药物可阻止艾滋病毒进入细胞

    10-08-19 Following up a pioneering 2007 proof-of-concept study, a University of Utah biochemist(生物化学家) and colleagues have developed a promising new anti-HIV drug candidate, PIE12-trimer, that prevents HIV from attacking human cells. Michael S. Kay, M...

  • 可卡因上瘾的治疗药物

    10-08-11 The authors of a new study in Biological Psychiatry explore pharmacological(药理学的) strategies for reducing cocaine self-administration in animals that may have implications for treating cocaine dependence in humans. Glutamate is the primary exc...

  • 内科医生对待心力衰竭治疗未能按照建议开药方

    10-08-10 Physicians are losing ground in prescribing(规定,开处方) the types of medications(药物) that have proven most effective in treating a condition known as congestive heart failure(充血性心力衰竭) , according to a new study from the Stanford Uni...

  • 墨西哥大毒枭伊格纳希欧·柯罗内尔被军方击毙

    10-07-30 The Mexican government says security forces have killed Ignacio Nacho Coronel, a top member of the powerful Sinaloa drug cartel. 墨西哥政府宣称,保安部队已杀死伊格纳希欧纳丘柯罗内尔,锡那罗亚州贩毒集团一位顶级人物。 Ignacio Coronel was known as the...

  • 砷纳米粒子可用于预防乳腺癌

    10-07-16 You can teach an old drug new chemotherapy(化学疗法) tricks. Northwestern University researchers took a drug therapy proven for blood cancers but ineffective against solid tumors, packaged it with nanotechnology and got it to combat an aggressive...

  • 牙买加毒枭克里斯多夫落网

    10-06-23 Police in Jamaica say they have arrested suspected drug lord Christopher Dudus Coke on the outskirts of the capital, Kingston. 牙买加警方宣称,他们已在首都金斯顿郊区逮捕了毒枭嫌疑犯克里斯多夫杜杜什库克。 Christopher Dudus Coke is wanted in the US Of...

  • 某癌症药物可用于治疗眼部疾病

    10-06-11 A cheap drug used to treat bowel cancer should also be prescribed to patients with a condition that leads to sight loss, say UK researchers. 英国研究人员称,一种用于治疗肠癌的廉价药物可用于易导致失明状况的患者。 Age-related macular degeneration lead...

  • 美国发起针对墨西哥毒枭的大清理运动

    10-06-11 Drug enforcement officers in the US say they have arrested more than 2,200 people in an investigation targeting Mexican trafficking rings. 美国毒品稽查官员称,在一场针对墨西哥毒品交易链的调查中,他们已逮捕2200多名疑犯。 The joint operation lasted al...

  • 新研究或将促进脊髓损伤的治疗

    10-06-10 Once damaged, nerves in the spinal cord(脊髓) normally cannot grow back and the only drug approved for treating these injuries does not enable nerve regrowth. Publishing online this week in the Early Edition of the Proceedings of the National Acad...

  • 血液稀释药物肝素对治疗疟疾有一定效果

    10-06-02 New treatments for malaria(疟疾,瘴气) are possible after Walter and Eliza Hall Institute scientists found that molecules similar to the blood-thinning drug heparin(肝磷脂) can stop malaria from infecting red blood cells. Malaria is an infection...