• fertility drug 多仔丸

    12-06-20 Statistics show China is facing an unprecedented wave of multiple births, and this means a significant number of women are choosing to take fertility drugs or use other methods to increase their number of fetuses. 有数据显示,中国正迎来一个前所未有...

  • 纳米技术用于白血病治疗

    12-06-18 Researchers from the University of Notre Dame have engineered nanoparticles that show great promise for the treatment of multiple myeloma (MM), an incurable cancer of the plasma(浆细胞) cells in bone marrow. One of the difficulties doctors face in...

  • 纳米技术用于疾病早期检测

    12-05-23 A new study led by University of Kentucky researchers shows a new way to precisely detect a single chemical at extremely low concentrations and high contamination(污染) . The study, published online for ACS Nano, was carried out in the laboratory...

  • 墨西哥两位将军涉嫌犯罪被拘留

    12-05-17 Two Mexican generals have been detained on suspicion of involvement in organised crime, allegations they deny. 墨西哥两位将军涉嫌参与有组织的犯罪已被拘留,他们否认了这一指控。 Gen Tomas Angeles, who served as Mexico's deputy defence minister, and Ge...

  • 认知衰退后减少脑部活动能增强记忆

    12-05-11 A study led by a Johns Hopkins neuroscientist and published in the May 10 issue of the journal Neuron suggests a potential new therapeutic approach for improving memory and interrupting disease progression in patients with a form of cognitive impair...

  • 惠特尼·休斯顿因意外溺水致死

    12-03-23 Whitney Houston's death was caused by accidental drowning, but drug abuse and heart disease were also factors, a coroner has ruled. 一位验尸官判定,惠特尼休斯顿因意外溺水致死,滥用毒品和心脏病同时也是死因。 The pop star was laid to rest in her home...

  • 毒瘾可能与大脑畸形有关

    12-02-06 Abnormalities in the brain may make some people more likely to become drug addicts, according to scientists at the University of Cambridge. 剑桥大学的科学家称,大脑某些部位畸形的一部分人更容易染上毒瘾。 Red areas show parts of the brain more active...

  • 癌症治疗将现新方法

    12-01-11 Scientists at the University of Leicester have opened up a whole new approach to the therapeutic intervention for a family of anti-cancer drug targets, thanks to a completely new and unexpected finding. Professor Schwabe and his colleagues, Drs Wats...

  • 利用光线测试癌症治疗效果

    11-12-21 Many cancer therapies target specific proteins that proliferate(增殖) on the outside of some cancer cells, but the therapies are imperfect and the cancer does not always respond. Since it is beneficial for doctors to know as soon as possible how a...

  • 延缓老年痴呆症状的新药研制成功

    11-12-15 A new drug candidate may be the first capable of halting the devastating mental decline of Alzheimer's disease, based on the findings of a study published in PLoS ONE. When given to mice with Alzheimer's, the drug, known as J147, improved memory and...