• 哥伦比亚选美皇后涉嫌贩毒被捕

    10-05-27 A Colombian beauty queen has been arrested in Argentina on charges of leading a drug trafficking ring. 一名哥伦比亚选美皇后涉嫌领导一个毒品犯罪团伙在阿根廷被捕。 Police had been looking for Ms Sanclemente for months Angie Sanclemente Valencia, 31, i...

  • 金纳米棒可有效传递流感病毒抗体

    10-05-25 Future pandemics(流行的,普遍的) of seasonal flu, H1N1 and other drug-resistant viruses may be thwarted(反对,挫败) by a potent(有效的,强有力的) , immune-boosting payload that is effectively delivered to cells by gold nanorods, report scienti...

  • 牙买加警察突袭毒枭根据地

    10-05-25 Jamaican security forces have launched an assault in Kingston on the stronghold of alleged drugs lord Christopher Dudus Coke. 牙买加安全部队在首都金斯敦对毒枭疑犯克里斯托弗杜杜什扣克的大本营进行了一次突袭。 Heavy gunfire erupted(爆发,长出) as the...

  • 呼吸式药物检测法问世

    10-05-20 A new study from the Swedish medical university Karolinska Institutet presents a new technique that makes drug testing possible through exhaled(呼气,发散) air for the first time. By examining people who had received emergency care for an amphetam...

  • 尼日利亚某政客涉嫌走私可卡因被捕

    10-05-18 A Nigerian politician has been arrested on suspicion of smuggling cocaine at Lagos airport. 一名尼日利亚政客涉嫌在拉各斯机场走私可卡因而被逮捕。 Nigerian drug enforcement officials say Eme Zuru Ayortor swallowed nearly two kilograms of cocaine (4.4...

  • 丙型肝炎新药开始进行临床试验

    10-05-16 The first clinical trials have started on a new investigational drug, discovered by researchers at Cardiff University, which is being developed to treat infections(传染病) caused by Hepatitis C(丙型肝炎) virus. Approximately(大约,近似) 170 mi...

  • 研究:无节制饮食与毒瘾有相同的成瘾机制

    10-03-29 In a newly published study, scientists from The Scripps Research Institute have shown for the first time that the same molecular(分子的) mechanisms that drive people into drug addiction are behind the compulsion(强迫,强制) to overeat, pushing p...

  • 美国将为墨西哥打击贩毒团伙提供更多援助

    10-03-24 US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has pledged increased support for Mexico in the fight against drug gangs. 美国国务卿希拉里克林顿做出承诺,将会对墨西哥提供更多帮助以打击贩毒团伙。 In Mexico as part of a high-level US delegation, she said more w...

  • 睡眠不足可加重青少年社交网的整体吸毒行为

    10-03-21 Recent studies have shown that behaviors such as happiness, obesity(肥大,肥胖) , smoking and altruism(利他主义) are contagious(蔓延的,感染性的) within adult social networks. In other words, your behavior not only influences your friends, but...

  • 脑深部电刺激术是治疗癫痫的“有效疗法”

    10-03-18 Deep brain stimulation is a promising therapy for epilepsy, US researchers from Stanford University have said. 美国斯坦福大学研究人员称,脑深部电刺激术治疗癫痫效果显著。 Patients in the study had electrodes implanted in their brains In a clinical tr...