• 毒品走私使非洲恐怖行动和犯罪盛行

    09-12-09 The head of the UN drugs agency (UNODC) has warned that widespread drug trafficking is transforming Africa into a major crime hub. 联合国毒品和犯罪办公室领导警告,普遍存在的毒品走私使非洲成为一个主要的犯罪中心。 About 50 to 60 tonnes of cocaine are...

  • 世界卫生组织改变艾滋病服药建议

    09-12-01 The World Health Organization is changing its advice on HIV drugs, asking that they be given sooner and to breastfeeding mothers with the virus. 世界卫生组织正在改变关于艾滋病药物的服用建议,建议应尽早服药、感染病毒的哺乳期母亲也应该服药。 If adopte...

  • 研究照亮抗癌药的研制方向

    09-11-27 The copper sequestering(隔绝,隔离) drug tetrathiomolybdate(钼酸盐) (TM) has been shown in studies to be effective in the treatment of Wilson disease, a disease caused by an overload of copper, and certain metastatic cancers(性肿瘤). That much...

  • 美国首家大麻餐馆开业

    09-11-21 美国首家大麻餐馆上周五正式开业。这家餐馆位于俄勒冈州波特兰,为当地持有大麻医用许可证的人提供大麻和吸食场所。一直力推大麻合法化的美国大麻种植法改革组织成员表示,这个餐馆的开业对他们来说代表着个人自由。这家餐馆每天的营业时间为早十点到晚十点,会员每月...

  • 研究:新方法来“停止”早产

    09-10-23 A drug used to treat cancer can stop contractions and may prevent premature labour, researchers say. 研究人员称,一种治疗癌症的药物可以停止子宫收缩并防止早产。 Premature birth rates are rising in the UK The Newcastle University team tested the drug...

  • 美国对墨西哥贩毒集团进行突袭

    09-10-23 More than 300 people have been arrested in a series of drug raids targeting a Mexican drug cartel operating in the US, American officials have said. 美国官员称,在最近一系列的打击美国国内墨西哥贩毒集团的突袭中,超过300人被逮捕。 The two-day operatio...

  • 美国药用大麻政策放松限制

    09-10-20 Federal prosecutors in the US have been ordered to stop cannabis-related prosecutions in the 13 states where medical use of the drug is legal. 美国13个周的联邦检察官被告知停止起诉与大麻有关的案件,因其作为药用是合法的。 Advocates of medical cannabis...

  • Japanese actress freed on bail, faces drug charge 酒井法子获

    09-09-21 因涉嫌藏毒和吸毒而被起诉的日本著名女星酒井法子17日被保释出狱,她为自己的吸毒行为向粉丝道歉。今年8月初,酒井法子因涉毒嫌疑被东京警方逮捕。东京地方检察厅后以藏毒和吸毒罪名对她提起诉讼。本月,酒井法子通过律师向东京地方法院提出保释申请并获批准,她交纳了...

  • 'Viagra cream' could prove safer “伟哥霜剂”可能更安全

    09-09-19 A cream allowing erectile dysfunction drugs to be applied directly to the skin could one day make them safer to use, say New York scientists. 纽约科学家称,一种霜剂将来可能可以使治疗勃起功能障碍的药物直接接触皮肤而安全使用。 Side-effects can include...

  • New drug 'can treat more cancers' 可治疗更多癌症的新药将问世

    09-09-16 A promising new drug may be able to treat more types of cancer than first thought. 一种令人充满希望的新药物可能比原来认为的用于治疗更多种类的癌症。 The drugs may work against some skin cancers PARP inhibitors(抑制剂,禁制要素) have shown early pro...