• as dead as dodo 过时了

    21-09-07 如果说一个东西 as dead as dodo, 意思就是这个东西已经不再重要了,过时了。我们通常使用这个短语来谈论思想或潮流。 例句 In the past people used to watch and record videos on VHS, but now that format is as dead as a dodo. The perception that smoking is g...

  • as dead as dodo 过时

    21-08-10 如果说一个东西 as dead as dodo, 意思就是这个东西已经不再重要了,过时了。我们通常使用这个短语来谈论思想或潮流。 例句 In the past people used to watch and record videos on VHS, but now that format is as dead as a dodo. The perception that smoking is g...

  • knock someone dead 留下深刻印象

    21-07-15 表达 knock someone dead 直译是一拳打死某人,当我们在日常英语对话中说到这个表达时,实际含义和暴力行为没有关系。根据不同的语境,这个口语说法可以有多种含义,比如完全征服,留下深刻印象,令人大吃一惊,让人目瞪口呆等。 人们会用 knock someone dead 来鼓励他...

  • 凉凉

    21-05-28 Dead duck 凉凉,不能理解为天气很凉,而是完蛋了,失败了的意思。 Dead duck,顾名思义:死鸭子。没得救了,凉凉了。 Dead duck,表示注定要完蛋的人;没有价值的人或事。用它来表示凉凉,再形象不过了。 Joe will be a dead duck when his wife learns what he did....

  • dead的五个用法

    21-05-24 1 Dead 可以表达人类或其它生物 死亡的,失去生命的。 Hes dead. 2 Dead 可以表达身体某部位 麻木的,失去知觉的。 I tried to catch Monkey, but my arm had gone dead. 3 Dead 可以表达电池 没电的,电量用光的。 Oh, no! The batterys dead! 4 Dead 在非正式的英式...

  • have a dead leg/arm 腿/手臂暂时失去知觉

    21-04-12 搭配 have a dead leg/arm 的意思是 腿部或手臂因血液不流通而暂时失去知觉,感到麻木、不能移动。 人们 have a dead leg/arm 的原因可能是身体局部长时间保持同一个动作,血液不流通,从而感到麻木。Have a dead leg/arm 也可以用来表示在足球等接触式运动中突然被击...

  • dead of winter 寒冬腊月

    21-01-14 表达 dead of winter 指 隆冬时节,冬天最寒冷的时期,相当于汉语里的 寒冬腊月。它通常被用来描述像大雪或重霜这样的阴冷天气。Dead of winter 多出现于文学作品中,但在口语中也时常被使用。 例句 Im not going out there. Its the dead of winter. 我不出去。这寒冬...

  • dead end 死胡同

    20-09-17 死胡同,汉语词语,指只有一个出入口的胡同(a narrow street or road affording no exit),比喻绝境、绝路,行不通的办法,可以翻译为dead end或blind alley。 例句: 我们把车子开进了一条死胡同, 只得退出来。 We drove into a dead end and had to back out. 那...

  • That's One Dead Duck

    15-04-15 A woman brought a very limp duck into a veterinary surgeon. She laid her pet on the table. The vet pulled out his stethoscope and listened to the bird's heart. I'm so sorry; your pet duck has passed away. The distressed owner wailed Are you sure? Ye...

  • Heat Goes Out Walking in the Cold

    14-12-10 Heat Goes Out Walking in the Cold K. A. Hays It seems possible, and I've been told, that even the dying, who don't mean to, stow at the ribs yellow mint, at the liver the waft of split tomatoes, and April's peas wire and tendril up, unruly, at the b...