• 墨西哥某毒枭“死亡”三年又被杀

    14-03-10 Officials in Mexico say that they have killed a drug lord who was reported to have been shot dead three years ago. 墨西哥官员称,他们杀死了一名毒枭,有报道称该毒枭在三年前被枪杀。 Nazario Moreno, known as El Mas Loco - The Craziest One - was the fou...

  • dead beat 吃软饭的人

    13-12-23 《北京遇上西雅图》影片中由吴秀波饰演的男主角Frank一直被称为DB。那么DB到底是什么意思呢? DB是一个缩略词,它可以有很多含义,比如IT人都熟悉的database数据库,比如美剧中常见的don't bother别麻烦,比如美国俚语Dumb Bunny可爱的傻瓜当然你也可以理解为是David B...

  • 纽约两名消防员疑被诱杀

    12-12-25 Two US volunteer firefighters have been shot dead and two injured while responding to an emergency call in the town of Webster in New York state. 美国纽约州韦伯斯特城消防部门接到报警电话后,两名志愿消防员被枪杀、另有二人受伤。 Police said the four w...

  • Writers Writing Dying

    12-11-07 Writers Writing Dying C. K. Williams Many I could name but won't who'd have been furious to die while they were sleeping but did outrageous(粗暴的) , they'd have lamented(哀悼) , and never forgiven the death they'd con- strued for themselves bei...

  • 灌丛鸦会为同类举行“葬礼”

    12-09-13 Western scrub jays(灌丛鸦) summon others to screech over the body of a dead jay, according to new research from the University of California, Davis. The birds' cacophonous(粗腔横调的) funerals can last for up to half an hour. Anecdotal reports h...

  • I wasn't dead 我还没死

    12-05-18 A young man fell into a state of coma, but recovered before his friends had buried him. One of them asked what it felt like to be dead. Dead! he exclaimed. I wasn't dead. And I knew I wasn't, because my feet were cold and I was hungry. But how did t...

  • 研究:会议能使团队成员变蠢

    12-02-13 Meetings don't just eat up time in the workplace, they actually make groups of people stupider, says new research. 新研究发现,会议不单会耗费大量工作时间,实际上还会使团队成员都变蠢。 Working in a group makes people perform worse on intelligence tes...

  • Letting Go of Yesterday

    11-11-10 On Saturday, February 12 two thousand, two things happened that changed everything in my life. The first was that on this day my baby sister was married. She was twenty-six this day, and yet to me she was still my baby sister. I suppose that I pictu...

  • 研究:主动帮助他人的人更长寿

    11-09-17 It's the lesson Scrooge learned the hard way - and now a study has revealed the moral behind Dickens' classic A Christmas Carol may be true after all. 这是斯克鲁奇历经苦难才学到的东西,如今一项研究揭示,狄更斯的经典作品《圣诞颂歌》背后的寓意也许是正...

  • The Evangelist

    11-03-01 A middle aged couple is watching TV when a TV Evangelist(福音传教士) comes on and promises to heal the sick. If only you would pray with Him, place your right hand in the air, and place your left hand on the afflicted(折磨的) area, the Almighty...