• 消费已成中国经济平稳增长的压舱石

    18-04-11 As Chinas economic transition swiftly continues, consumption has become a ballast stone for stable economic growth, official data showed Tuesday. 周二公布的官方数据显示,随着中国经济持续快速转型,消费已成为经济稳定增长的压舱石。 Final consumption co...

  • 中国将改进能源消耗模式

    17-04-26 Chinas top economic planner Tuesday called for implementation of a government plan to promote reform in energy production and consumption. 国家发改委周二呼吁执行一项促进能源生产与消耗改革的政府计划。 Chinas total energy consumption will be capped at...

  • 中国消费者大部分奢侈品消费在国外进行

    15-11-25 A recent study shows that China now accounts for nearly half of the world's luxury consumption so far this year, but Chinese consumers do most of their luxury shopping outside of the country. 近期一项研究显示,2015年到目前为止中国占世界奢侈品消费近...

  • 中国推出两项促进消费措施

    15-11-24 China will increase imports and make it easier for overseas shoppers to get tax refunds in a bid to boost consumption. 中国将扩大进口并使海外购物者退税更加简单以刺激消费。 China's Cabinent issued a guideline on Monday, saying the series of measures...

  • 未来全球造林活动似乎不可能发生

    13-10-20 Feeding a growing global population while also slowing or reversing global deforestation may only be possible if agricultural yields rise and/or per capita food consumption declines over the next century, according to historic global food consumptio...

  • 日本首相下令出台经济增长措施

    12-10-18 Japan's Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda has ordered his cabinet to draw up fresh stimulus measures in a bid to spur economic growth. 日本首相野田佳彦下令内阁出台新措施刺激经济增长。 Japan's growth has been hurt by falling demand for its exports amid a...

  • face consumption 面子消费

    12-08-30 These purchases, which are not for practical needs, but merely to show off and gratify the owners'vanity, are called face consumptions . 这类消费行为不完全是为了实际需要,更多是出于炫耀和满足面子的目的,因此被称为面子消费。 文中的face consumptions就...

  • 食用反式脂肪易使脾气暴躁

    12-03-14 Might the Twinkie defense have a scientific foundation after all? Researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine have shown -- by each of a range of measures, in men and women of all ages, in Caucasians and minorities -- t...

  • 进食与否?心理预算说了算

    09-11-18 If you feel like you're in a losing battle with a triple-chocolate cake, a mental budget can help, according to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research. There are some behaviors that consumers try to limit but have trouble doing so, write au...

  • 职务消费 position-related consumption

    09-09-21 9月16日,人力资源和社会保障部等六部门联合出台《关于进一步规范中央企业负责人薪酬管理的指导意见》。这也是中国政府首次对所有行业央企发出高管限薪令。 请看新华社的报道: The document set guidelines in salary structure and payment, position-related consum...