• 《爱丽丝梦游仙境-2》第14章

    22-12-21 A bright light woke Alice. She cracked her eyes open, raising her hand to shield them. Feeling a bit dizzy, she sat up slowly. She was lying in a metal-framed bed. The room was shaped in a peculiar circle and filled with other beds, all of them empt...

  • made of money 腰缠万贯,极为富有

    22-11-28 表达 made of money 的字面意思是 用钱做的,但它实际用来形容某人 非常富有,腰缠万贯,舍得花钱。如果想用这个表达来形容自己 没有钱,则可以说:Im not made of money.(我不是有钱人。) 例句 Shes just been on three-month cruise around the world she must be...

  • 一般现在时和现在进行时的区别

    22-10-19 1. Is this sentence an example of present simple, or is it present continuous? Just a minute, Im checking my email. a) present simple b) present continuous 2. Which sentence is a correct example of present simple tense? a) She goes to the nightclub...

  • 和时尚有关的词语

    22-10-19 1. What word describes clothes that are informal and comfortable to wear? a) smart b) old-fashioned c) casual 2. Which one of these words is NOT an item of clothing? a) jumper b) socks c) smart 3. What word describes something that is modern and is...

  • 买二手衣服 减少你的时尚碳足迹

    22-10-18 越来越多的消费者选择购买二手衣物,他们认为这样做更环保。这种购物习惯的改变也在迫使时尚行业发生改变。 The destructive impact of fast fashion on the environment is widely documented. So how can we, as consumers, reduce our fashion footprint? One obvio...

  • 《头脑特工队》第18章

    22-09-06 Chapter 18 In her quiet, empty bedroom, Riley pulled her books out of her backpack and picked up her clothes, ready to pack them in her bag. Then she paused and her expression changed. Fear was driving. Are we really doing this? I mean, this is seri...

  • wear lipstick 涂口红

    22-02-18 常用姨妈色这么说: plum李子色 dark berry暗莓色 burgundy酒红色 你看,直接描述颜色本身才对嘛! 涂口红这样说 当我们说涂口红这个动作时,不会说涂颜色的draw,而会说wear lipstick(强调持妆的状态)或者put on lipstick(强调涂的动作)。 例句: She is putting on h...

  • 穿深色衣服可能更容易招蚊子

    22-02-11 冬去春来,天气转暖,再过一阵子蚊虫又要开始上班了。如果你是招蚊体质,穿衣服记得避开蚊子最喜欢的颜色,以免被蚊子独宠。 While there are plenty of factors that go into how attractive you are to mosquitoes, new research has found the colors youre wearing...

  • 怎样成为一个更有魅力的男人 1

    22-01-24 1. Clothes that fit. 合身的衣服。 A few of us are gifted with dimensions that allow us to purchase straight off the rack. But most men (myself included) absolutely need to have custom-fitted clothing. Do this. Cut the number of clothes you buy in ha...

  • 取暖设备

    21-12-01 这几天这么冷,小伙伴们是不是都分分钟都想把自己裹成粽子出门? 在英文里我们问对方穿了多少件衣服,不要说how many clothes,而要问: How many layers are you wearing? 你今天穿了多少层? 除了衣服这一种御寒神器,heating和heater其实都是取暖设备,前者一般是像...