• trustafarian 信托自由儿

    14-11-06 Trustafarian is a young person from a wealthy background whose trust fund enables him or her to eschew conventional attitudes to work, dress,etc. 信托自由儿是那种来自富裕家庭的年轻人。他拥有的信托基金让他可以不用遵循世俗的工作态度和衣着方式。 A tru...

  • 殿堂级时装设计师奥斯卡·德拉伦塔离世

    14-10-24 Iconic fashion designer Oscar de la Renta has died, a family member told ABC News. He was 82. 殿堂级时装设计师奥斯卡德拉伦塔离世,享年82岁。 De la Renta was diagnosed with cancer in 2006. Born in the Dominican Republic in 1932, de la Renta left home...

  • wardrobe therapist 衣橱诊断师

    14-10-15 In todays world there isnt always time to shop or keep up with the latest fashion, and you may one day wake up and find your wardrobe a disaster -- full of clothes but you cant find a decent piece to wear. But fret no more, all you need is a wardrob...

  • normcore 简约穿搭风

    14-07-10 The term normcore has been sweeping the Internet recently, giving a name to a contemporary fashion trend marked by white sneakers, zip-up sweatshirts and pleated pants. New York Magazine's Fiona Duncan defined the trend as self-aware, stylized bland...

  • 简化生活从精简衣柜开始

    14-07-06 Matt Souveny was feeling overwhelmed by the unworn clothes languishing in his closet when he began poking around Reddit's menswear forums, where style-conscious men debate different shoe leather and denim brands, or bravely seek constructive feedbac...

  • 杨布打狗

    14-05-20 Yang Zhu had a younger brother named Yang Bu. One day Yang Bu went out wearing white clothes. It happened to rain, so he took off his white clothes and changed into black clothes and went home. He dog did not know that he had changed clothes, so it...

  • chairdrobe 椅橱

    14-03-20 Chairdrobe is a chair to be used for piling clothes in place of a closet or dresser. If a chair is not available one can always defer to a floordrobe. Chairdrobe is often seen in a bachelor's home, filled with clothes that is already worn or to be w...

  • 奥巴马在Gap服装店为妻子女儿买衣服

    14-03-16 President Barack Obama took on a daunting task on Tuesday: shopping for clothes for his wife and daughters during a brief stop at a Gap store in New York before attending two Democratic Party fundraisers in the city. 3月12日,奥巴马总统接受了一项十...

  • Christmas tight 圣诞缩水

    14-02-11 The period of time after Christmas and New Years where the clothes you wore prior to the holidays that fit well, all of a sudden are a little tighter than they should be, which is called Christmas tight . 在圣诞节和新年之前穿着很合身的衣服,在过完节...

  • 俄前女间谍开办个人休闲时装秀

    14-01-26 The 31 year old redhead launched her line of casual clothes at a show in the Turkish resort of Antalya. 俄罗斯一名31岁的红发前女间谍在土耳其度假胜地安塔利亚开办了自己的首场个人休闲时装秀。 Moscow's most glamorous(迷人的) secret agent hired talente...