• 印字白色短T更显男性魅力

    13-06-30 英国一项最新研究显示,前面印有黑色字母T的普通白色短袖T恤能让男人的吸引力指数提升12%。研究人员表示,印在前面的字母T能造成一种视觉上的假象,让人感觉穿着者的肩膀更宽、腰部更细,从而使其身形更显男性标准的V型身材。 Forget expensive designer clothes, a si...

  • 加拿大研究人员研制随时改变颜色和形状的衣服

    13-04-28 加拿大康科迪亚大学设计与计算艺术系的研究人员正在研制一种能够随穿着者的行为随时改变颜色和形状的衣服;另外,这种衣服的布料中织入了电子纤维织物,能够让衣服存储人体产生的能量,手机没电时,衣服就能给手机充电。 Clothes that change their color and shape de...

  • 《美国派4:美国重逢》五

    13-04-18 精彩对白 Stifler: What the fuck is this! Who the hell changed the music? Friend: Sorry, we thought this was more baby-friendly . Didn't we? Yes, we did. Chester: Stifmeister! Stifler: Chester! What have you cock-smokers been up to? Chelster's partne...

  • Jenson's New Year

    13-03-14 It was hectic in the Jenson family household because it was the day before New Years Eve and they were getting ready to go to England to spend the New Year with their family. The Jenson family lived in London and where very excited. Franchesca and S...

  • clotheshorse 活衣架

    13-03-07 A clotheshorse originally refers to a frame upon which clothes are hung after washing to enable them to dry. Now it refers to someone who is concerned about fashion and likes to collect a lot of clothes. Clotheshorse原本指用来晾晒衣服的晾衣架;现在...

  • 《泰坦尼克号》五

    13-01-29 精彩对白 Cal: Don't touch anything. I want the entire room photographed. Mr Lovejoy: We've been looking for you, miss. Rose: Here we go . Something serious has happened. Seaman: Yes, it has. Cal: Indeed. Two things dear to me have disappeared this e...

  • Mum is The First

    11-11-22 One afternoon, I was cleaning a big fish pond with a pole brush. Suddenly I smelt a strange odour(气味) . Whats the matter? English ladies and gentlemen always use nice perfume to keep a good mind. By the way, I never use perfume but I like sniffi...

  • 资深红娘支招如何相亲成功

    11-08-27 As the Millionaire Matchmaker, Patti Stanger knows a thing or two about how to win the heart of a wealthy man. 作为给百万富翁做媒的资深红娘,帕蒂斯坦格对如何俘获富翁芳心颇为精通。 Now the relationship guru(领袖,专家) , 50, has revealed her style...

  • 俄年轻女性脱衣支持普京选举

    11-07-24 近日俄罗斯发起了一场网上宣传活动,鼓动年轻女性用脱衣的方式来支持即将参加大选的普京。 An online campaign has been launched in Russia urging young women to support Prime Minister Vladimir Putin in a presidential vote by taking off their clothes, a law...

  • 女性热衷购物可能归咎于其母亲

    11-07-17 Retail therapy has long been a treat for millions of women who enjoy nothing better than a trawl round the shops. 购物疗法一向是众多女性的乐事,对她们而言,再没有什么比逛商店更好的事情了。 For those who pause long enough to wonder if it is nature or...