• 考古发现最早关于人类着装的指向性证据

    21-09-25 据美国有线电视新闻网报道,考古学家近日在摩洛哥的一个洞穴中发现了62件用于处理和打磨动物皮革的骨器,这可能是考古发现中最早关于人类着装的指向性证据之一。这些工具距今有9万至12万年的历史。 In popular culture, cave men (and women) are often draped in furs...

  • 意大利人打造现实版霍比特村庄

    21-09-10 托尔金的《指环王》故事发生在中土大陆,但是现实版的佛罗多却是一位意大利人。他穿着霍比特人的服饰,住在霍比特人的小屋里,立志打造霍比特村庄,而且刚刚和朋友们一起完成了销毁魔戒之旅。 Nicolas Gentile, a 37-year-old Italian pastry chef, did not just want...

  • a crowd pleaser 受公众欢迎喜爱的一个人或物

    21-09-07 A crowd pleaser 是受公众欢迎喜爱的一个人或物。 例句 That kiss between Prince William and Princess Catherine was a real crowd pleaser. The appearance of Madonna at the music festival was a crowd pleaser. 请注意 如果某人是 the in-crowd 圈内人,那此人...

  • all over the shop 零乱、到处都是

    21-07-21 短语 all over the shop 虽然看着还像是说购物,其实它的意思是指零乱,没有规律,到处都是。这不仅可以用于说东西零乱,还可以指某人去了很多地方。这是一个非常口语化的英式表达。 例句 Look at the state of your bedroom. Your clothes are all over the shop! Whe...

  • 服装租赁过程会产生大量排放物

    21-07-08 租衣服穿可能并没有你想象的那么环保。研究发现,服装租赁过程中会产生大量排放物,对环境和气候造成的有害影响相比回收、转售衣服都更大。 A study has revealed that renting clothes, long touted as one of the answers to fashions sustainability crisis, is wor...

  • hold one's horse 忍耐,镇静,别冲动

    21-06-04 1 hold ones horse 忍耐,镇静,别冲动。 Dad, please hold your horse before you get mad at me... 爸,在对我发火之前,请你忍耐一下 2 clothes horse 爱打扮,赶时髦的人。 Princess Diana was a real clothes horse. Its hard to imagine how much she had spent...

  • Sunday best 最好的衣服或盛装

    21-05-11 Sunday best不是星期天最好,那这Sunday有什么特别的? 先来看看它的英语解释: If you are in your Sunday best,you are wearing your best clothes,which you only wear for special occasions. 你穿着自己最好的服装,只有在特别的场合里才会穿的服装。 所以,Sun...

  • Shoe-Bar Stratton - Chapter 15

    21-02-24 More than once during the next ten minutes Buck cursed himself inwardly for not having brought along the small but powerful pair of field-glasses that were tucked away in his bag. He had picked them up at the Divisional Headquarters only a week or t...

  • Under the Lilacs - Chapter 21

    21-01-21 A picnic supper on the grass followed the games, and then, as twilight began to fall, the young people were marshalled to the coach-house, now transformed into a rustic theatre. One big door was open, and seats, arranged lengthwise, faced the red ta...

  • 快购时代的连环退货买家

    21-01-07 在当今时代,时尚业竞争激烈,零售商们用各种方式让退货变得不再困难。大多数情况下,消费者们只需要把服饰带回服装店就可以了。这虽然让退换货物变得非常方便,却催生出了不少先大量购买商品,再退还回去的买家。这看似无伤大雅,但公司的利润却因此受到影响。面临这...