• You vs. Your Boss

    14-12-30 When you take a long time, you're slow. When your boss takes a long time, he's thorough. When you don't do it, you're lazy. When your boss doesn't do it, he's too busy. When you make a mistake, you're an idiot. When your boss makes a mistake, he's o...

  • You Do The Math

    14-11-19 ROMANCE MATHEMATICS Smart man + smart woman = romance Smart man + dumb woman = affair Dumb man + smart woman = marriage Dumb man + dumb woman = pregnancy OFFICE ARITHMETIC Smart boss + smart employee = profit Smart boss + dumb employee = production...

  • How To Gain An Extra Vacation Day

    14-11-19 I urgently needed a few days off work but I knew the boss would not allow me to take leave. I thought that maybe if I acted 'crazy', then he would tell me to take a few days off. So, I hung upside-down on the ceiling and made funny noises. My co-wor...

  • 英国富翁热衷慈善导致离婚

    14-09-30 He is not the first multimillionaire to quit the world of commerce and vow to give his entire fortune to charity. But few can have put their money where their mouth is with such conviction as Brian Burnie. 拥有千万财产的布莱恩伯尼并不是世界首位弃商...

  • A Ten-Cent Idea

    14-09-26 When young F. W. Woolworth was a store clerk, he tried to convince his boss to have a ten-cent sale to reduce inventory. The boss agreed, and the idea was a resounding success. This inspired Woolworth to open his own store and price items at a nicke...

  • 坏老板的粗暴会传染整个团队

    14-08-29 研究发现,坏老板的粗暴会传染他人,甚至让一整个团队的人都变得恶毒。研究人员指出,冲着员工吼叫、向员工发送侮辱邮件的老板不仅会影响员工的态度和行为,还会让团队里的成员都用同样敌意的方式对待彼此。 Bosses who shout and send demeaning(降低身份的) emails...

  • 机智回答18个最刁钻的面试问题2

    14-07-25 10. Q: What if you worked with someone who managed to take credit for all your great ideas. How would you handle it? A: First, I would try to credit her publicly with the ideas that were hers. Sometimes, by being generous with credit, it spurs the o...

  • I want a day off 想请一天假

    14-04-08 Smith goes to see his supervisor in the front office. Boss, he says, we're doing some heavy house-cleaning at home tomorrow, and my wife needs me to help with the attic and the garage, moving and hauling stuff. We're short-handed, Smith, the boss re...

  • 公平处事的老板容易疲惫

    14-03-31 Everyone wants their boss to play fair, but new research suggests that while doing so might make employees happy, it's not always so great for the boss. Specifically, bosses who are fair make their workers happier and their companies more productive...

  • Don't make me laugh! 你太可笑了,别逗了

    13-12-23 Jennifer: Hi, I'm Jennifer and this is Authentic Real English. In this programme, we teach you about English words or phrases which you might not find in the dictionary. Here comes Feifei. Feifei: Hello Jen. 大家好!Jen 我有事儿要告诉你。 Jennifer:...