• 有关flesh的习语 下

    22-06-10 have/get/want/demand your pound of flesh (不顾别人的损失和痛苦)讨回应得的东西,做出合法但极不合情理的要求 例句: His boss, demanding his pound of flesh, made him come into work even though his daughter was seriously ill. 尽管他的女儿病得很重,他的...

  • 被炒鱿鱼

    22-06-09 1. I got fired. 我被炒鱿鱼了。 2. I got the boot. 我被开除了。 3. I got the ax. 我被开除了。 4. I got sacked./I got the sack. 我被开除了。 5. They kicked me out. 他们把我踢出来了。(他们把我开除了。) 6. My boss showed me the door yesterday. 老板昨天...

  • 常见委婉语——撒谎&穷

    22-05-24 economical with the truth 很少提供实情的,谎话连篇的。 I discovered that my boss had been economical with the truth when she said that the company was making money. 我发现老板说公司盈利其实隐瞒了真相。 1. be disadvantaged,即处境不利的,生活条件差的...

  • be sick of something 对某事感到厌倦

    22-05-07 be sick of something 对某事感到厌倦 I dont know how you guys arent sick of me now. Im sick of me. 我不知道你们怎么还忍得了我。我自己都受够自己了。 Notes: sick除了表示生病,呕吐,还有厌倦的意思。be sick of something是指对某事感到厌倦。 Im sick of her...

  • 英国人最爱的俚语 4

    22-04-11 16. Fortnight 两周 Fortnight a British slang term more commonly used by virtually everyone in the UK to mean a group of two weeks. Fortnight 在英国最常被使用的英式俚语之一,意为两周。 For example, Im going away for a fortnight to Egypt for my summer...

  • think outside the box 打破常规地思考

    22-03-30 表达 think outside the box(在盒子外面思考) 或 think out of the box 的意思是 摆脱思维定势,采用与平时不同的方法来完成或解决问题。这可能涉及打破常规,发挥想象力和创造力去思考,类似于汉语里的 独辟蹊径。 例句 Our boss wants us to think outside the box...

  • cudgel/rack one's brains 煞费苦心

    22-03-30 煞费苦心,汉语成语,意思是挖空了心思、费尽心机等。可以翻译为cudgel/rack ones brains,take great pains等。 例句: 煞费苦心地寻找借口 cudgel ones brains to find an excuse 他们煞费苦心,讨好老板。 They were falling over backwards to please the boss....

  • to butter someone up 拍马屁;奉承

    22-02-15 这个俚语指,如果你对某人特别友好,那么你就能从某人那里得到某些好处,或者你想让某人帮你做某事。 Harry is working hard to butter up the boss to get that promotion. 哈里为了被提升,正在想方设法地对老板拍马奉承。...

  • Show them who's the boss. 告诉他们我才是大神。

    22-02-08 Show them whos the boss. 告诉他们我才是大神。 这句话的大体意思就是,要告诉他们谁才是真正的boss。不要看扁你自己,你很好,你很努力。 例句: If you want to have the power in this group, you should show them whos the boss first. 如果你想要在这个团队中有...

  • brown-noser 马屁精

    22-01-22 马屁精,中文俗语,就是指专门给人拍马屁的人,比喻为获取利益而阿谀奉承者,含贬义。与英文习语brown-noser同义,表示 One who seeks out the approval, attention, and/or support of others, especially superiors, through abject subservience, flattery, or fawn...