• to see red 大怒,狂怒

    21-08-13 To see red 这个短语的意思是大怒,狂怒。 例句 The teacher will see red when he finds out you havent done your homework again! Hell give you detention. My mum saw red when I came in late for dinner. I saw red and shouted when the boss complained about...

  • a window of opportunity 机遇之窗

    21-08-13 A window of opportunity 就是机遇之窗的意思,指可以做某事的一个短暂时机或可能。 例句 Ive got a window of opportunity to talk to my boss about a pay rise tomorrow. Meet me in reception - there might be a window of opportunity for me to let you into th...

  • to fall on your sword 承担责任

    21-08-12 Fall on your sword 的字面意思是摔倒在自己的剑上,实际要表达的含义是某人为一组人的行动造成的不良后果承担责任。 例句 He doesnt think hes to blame but hes falling on his sword anyway. Shes going to resign - shes falling on her sword even though its not...

  • to look someone in the eye 双眼直视对方

    21-08-09 To look someone in the eye 这个短语的意思就是你双眼直视对方,让对方相信你所说的话是完全真实的,即使你有可能并没有说实话。 例句 John looked me in the eye and told me that he loved me. I looked at my boss in the eye and told him exactly what I thought...

  • let off steam 释放情感

    21-08-09 我们可以用非正式表达 let off steam 来表示宣泄被压抑的情感、释放情感,在日常对话中尤其被用来形容把心里的话都一股脑地说出来。 例句 Ruth spent the whole afternoon complaining about her boss. She needed to let off some steam. We often go jogging after w...

  • cloud nine 九霄云

    21-07-28 three-ring circus 大型热闹的演出;五花八门的场面。马戏场的表演划地为圈,三种技艺同时进行,让人眼花缭乱。 例句: The Repulican or Democratic National Convention is like a three-ring circus, with receptions, caucuses, and press conferences going on all...

  • to take off 一举成功

    21-07-21 To take off 这个短语用来形容某事一炮打响,获得成功。 例句 Streaming movies has really taken off. I dont know anyone who still buys DVDs. The app he developed really took off and made him a millionaire. 请注意 另一个短语 take on something 的意思是一...

  • to flex one's muscles 显示实力,显示力量

    21-06-29 短语 to flex ones muscles 的字面意思是活动肌肉,人们借用这个形象的画面来描述一个人或机构对他人显示实力,展示力量。 例句 Our boss spent a lot of time flexing her muscles at the meeting this morning. She wants us to know shes in charge. 在晨会上,我们...

  • to stay ahead of the curve 占得先机,保持领先

    21-06-25 据说,英语表达to stay ahead of the curve 呆在曲线前面源自一个展示员工人数及其工作表现的曲线图,从该图表中可以看出,大多数人都集中在表现一般的范围内,只有少数优秀的人处于领先位置。所以,现在这个说法用来指企业或人站在时代或潮流的前沿,取得领先的优势。...

  • lame 很烂、很逊

    21-05-28 1. catchphrase catchphrase的意思是流行语,尤指电视演艺名人等的名言。 一般我们说电视或网络上频繁使用的流行语会是buzzword: Diversity is the new buzzword in education. 多元化是教育领域里新的时髦词语。 2. lame 表示很烂、很逊可以用lame, crappy等,比如:...