• 《赛车总动员》第18章

    22-11-16 In a moment, the town was swarmed with reporters, photographers, and camera vans. The reporters jostled Sally out of the way as they descended onto Lightning, asking him questions a mile a minute. One reporter barked, Did you have a nervous breakdow...

  • "随便”该怎么表达

    22-09-20 It depends on you. 意思是:这一切都取决于你,是不是很体贴的feel呢? Its up to you. 在很多情境下的你来决定吧都可以用这句话,表达都听你的,非常实用哦~ Youre the boss. 这也是听你的的意思,从字面就可以看出老板俩字了,都说你是老板了,当然都听你的啦~运用...

  • bitch用法大全

    22-08-08 毋庸置疑,bitch在英语中使用的非常普遍,无处不在,但它并不像你想的那么简单。 Bitch的字面意思是母狗,称一个女人为 Bitch,有两种意思。 1. 招人烦、让人不快的女人: 称一个女人为bitch绝对是不礼貌的,但是在很多情况下,它并没有whore(妓女)那么恶劣。 He did...

  • 10件为了和上级友好相处而不该做的事情 下

    22-07-25 6. Challenging your manager in front of your managers boss. 在上级的上级前质疑你的上级。 If you disagree with your manager, or have a concern, bring it up privately with your manager. Dont embarrass or undermine your manager. 如果你对你的经理心存不...

  • 非正式介绍别人相识

    22-06-14 This is my boss, Mr. Wang. 这是我的老板,王先生。 Josh, this is my secretary, Mary. 乔希,这是我的秘书玛丽。 Id like you to meet my co-worker, Robert Jehan. 我想让你见见我的同事,罗伯特吉安。 Robert, this is Susan Palmer. 罗伯特,这位是苏珊帕尔默。...