日期:2021-07-30 Not for all the tea in China 在任何情况都不;千金不换 You are unwilling to do something, no matter how large the reward. 例句: I wouldnt quit my job for all the tea in China. 就算有天大的好处,我都不会辞掉我的工作。 How would I feel about doing ext... 阅读全文>>

日期:2021-07-30 coffee in, coffee out去洗手间 Having to use the bathroom because you drank some coffee. 例句: Is there a bathroom around here? I drank some coffee this morning and you know the expression, coffee in, coffee out. 这附近有厕所吗?今天早上我喝了太多的... 阅读全文>>

日期:2021-07-30 joe是个常见的人名对吧?但cup of joe指的是咖啡。 Cup of joe: Cup of coffee. 例句: Can I get you another cup of joe? 我能再给你拿杯咖啡吗? There is nothing like enjoying a hot cup of joe first thing in the morning. 早上第一件事没有什么比喝杯热咖啡更... 阅读全文>>

日期:2021-07-30 cold coffee是冷咖啡吗? 它其实是啤酒。 Cold coffee: Slang for beer. 例句: After work today, lets go downtown and get some cold coffee. 今天下班后,我们去市区喝点啤酒吧。 I could really go for a cold coffee right about now. 我现在真的要去喝杯啤酒。... 阅读全文>>

日期:2021-07-29 单词 dagger 的意思是匕首、短剑。短语 to look daggers at someone 则用来描述恶狠狠地、用憎恨地眼光注视某人。 例句 I think they must have had an argument. Did you see the way she was looking daggers at him across the canteen? I was telling mum about ou... 阅读全文>>

日期:2021-07-29 如果你说自己是 up to your eyeballs (in something) 那就是在说你正在为一项具体的工作而忙得不可开交,一点闲暇时间都没有。 例句 Id love to go the cinema but Im up to my eyeballs in marking. Ive got another ten papers to get through before I can even thi... 阅读全文>>

日期:2021-07-29 短语To be zonked out用来形容一个人(因为狂欢或太累)精疲力竭或倒头即睡。 例句 I didnt sleep at all on the journey from Beijing to London. When I finally got to the hotel I was zonked out. After working all day in the garden I was zonked out. 请注意... 阅读全文>>

日期:2021-07-29 一个人在消磨时间的时候往往都会做一些轻松开心的事。To while away the time 纯粹是为了放松而放松或者是以轻松的方式消磨时间以便等待其他事情。 例句 The film doesnt start for another hour. Why dont we while away the time with a walk in the park? When I wa... 阅读全文>>

日期:2021-07-29 如果你对某种状况感到极为扫兴和气愤,你就会焦躁不安,想抓狂。此时就可以用tear you hair out。 例句 Ive been tearing my hair out over my dissertation. Its due in next week and Im really not happy with it. I might have to start again. Their performance... 阅读全文>>

日期:2021-07-28 three-ring circus 大型热闹的演出;五花八门的场面。马戏场的表演划地为圈,三种技艺同时进行,让人眼花缭乱。 例句: The Repulican or Democratic National Convention is like a three-ring circus, with receptions, caucuses, and press conferences going on all... 阅读全文>>

日期:2021-07-28 你都怎么和朋友用英语打招呼?My friend, how are you? 实际上,这种说法可能只在印度比较流行。今天我们就来学习一下用英语怎么称兄道弟吧。 buddy 哥们儿 除了称呼自己的朋友之外,buddy一词还有伙伴的意思。比如说学习伙伴就是study buddy。 例句: Last night, whe... 阅读全文>>

日期:2021-07-26 所谓向问题投掷金钱 to throw money at (a problem) 意思就是为解决问题花大笔钱。其含义是这种用钱解决问题的方法往往不灵,未必奏效。 例句 Theyve tried throwing money at the problem without any luck. Perhaps they should actually think more carefully about... 阅读全文>>

日期:2021-07-26 表达 new blood 新鲜血液指刚加入某公司或组织的新成员。尤指那些给一个组织带来生气和新想法的人。 例句 Weve lost touch with our market. What this firm needs is some new blood. Im going to start recruiting next week. Im not sure why I got the job. I thin... 阅读全文>>

日期:2021-07-26 我们可以用 ins and outs 来表达一件事或某个局面所包含的所有细节、里里外外的详情。 例句 To succeed at this job youll need to study the ins and outs of the financial markets. If you want to stand for class president youre going to have to learn the ins... 阅读全文>>

日期:2021-07-26 短语 to have a soft spot for 通常用来表达对某人或某物的亲切,有一种特别喜爱感。但它一般不用在描述浪漫爱情的语境中。 例句 Ive got a real soft spot for cats. I dont have one myself but Ill always stop to stroke one on the street. Youve always had a so... 阅读全文>>

日期:2021-07-26 当我们做事情还处于领先的状态时,可以考虑是否应该 quit while youre ahead,如果继续坚持并不意味着结果会更好。这个表达源于赌博,在赌场上如果赢钱了,最好适可而止,见好就收,不可太贪心否则可能会倾家荡产。 例句 Spend a few years playing the stock market,... 阅读全文>>

日期:2021-07-26 单词 ante 可以指在玩扑克牌时下的赌注。成语 to up the ante 在生活中用来表示提高赌注,冒更大风险以得到更高的回报和成功。 例句 The government has upped the ante in the fight against tax-evaders by significantly increasing the penalties for those caught... 阅读全文>>

日期:2021-07-26 sick pay表示病假工资 ,也就是带薪生病。 英文释义: When you are ill and unable to work, sick pay is the money that you get from your employer instead of your normal wages. 例句: They are not eligible for sick pay. 他们没有资格领病假工资。... 阅读全文>>

日期:2021-07-26 sick as a dog表示病得十分严重。这里的sick就表示生病了。 例句: Since I came here, I have been sick as a dog. 我来到这儿以后,就一直病得很厉害。... 阅读全文>>

日期:2021-07-26 不要一看到sick这个词就以为别人在说你坏话噢。除了生病的,有病的,sick在口语中也表示特别酷的人或事物。 英文释义: cool or hawt or fabulous (hawt是having a wonderful time的缩写) 所以,在这里sick表示炫酷的、棒极了的意思。Youre sick是在夸你很酷。 例句... 阅读全文>>

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