日期:2017-07-22 The first child in the world to undergo a double hand transplant has been able to fulfil his dream of swinging a baseball bat. 全球首个接受双手移植的儿童已经实现了他挥动棒球球棒的梦想。 A Lancet study reveals that the global first has been classed a... 阅读全文>>

日期:2017-07-22 If you needed yet another reason to drink beer, science just gave it to you. Researchers from the National University of Singapore (NUS) just developed a new type of probiotic beer which could improve your immune system and neutralize pathogens and... 阅读全文>>

日期:2017-07-10 China on Sunday completed the trial exploration of flammable ice in the South China Sea, which extracted more than 300,000 cubic meters after a 60 day non-stop mining operation. 上周日,中国在南海完成可燃冰的试验性开采,经过60天的无间断开采,其产量... 阅读全文>>

日期:2017-07-10 Chinese science ship Xiangyanghong 10 Sunday returned to China after a voyage to the southwest Indian Ocean that lasted more than 200 days. 中国向阳红10号科考船在印度洋航行200多天后于周日返回祖国。 The ship docked at a port in Zhoushan, east Chinas... 阅读全文>>

日期:2017-07-07 China has a clear plan to provide sea launches for commercial payloads to be carried by Long March rockets, according to an aerospace official. 一位官员表示,中国明确计划在海上用长征火箭发射商业负载。 Tang Yagang, vice head of the aerospace division... 阅读全文>>

日期:2017-07-06 Gene-editing technology has been used successfully by Chinese scientists for the first time to clone a beagle, according to a report in Science and Technology Daily. 《科技日报》报道,中国科学家利用基因编辑技术首次成功克隆一条比格犬。 The dog named... 阅读全文>>

日期:2017-07-06 Chinese artificial intelligence (AI) giant Baidu Wednesday unveiled plans to build an open AI ecosystem with program developers and partners. 百度计划打造一个由程序开发人员以及合作伙伴组成的人工智能生态系统。 Baidu will roll out two major open AI pl... 阅读全文>>

日期:2017-07-04 The end of painful vaccination jabs is on the horizon after scientists proved that a skin patch is just as effective at inoculating patients and can be applied at home in just a few minutes. 打疫苗的疼痛很快就要终结了,科学家证实,贴在皮肤上的疫苗贴... 阅读全文>>

日期:2017-07-04 Filmmaker James Cameron, forever an advocate for the 3D format, has achieved his ambition of letting audiences watch his Avatar sequels in 3D without having to don a pair of glasses. 作为一名3D技术的忠实拥护者,导演詹姆斯卡梅隆已经实现了他的野心,观... 阅读全文>>

日期:2017-06-29 China Wednesday unveiled a new domestically built marine geological survey vessel in south Chinas Guangdong Province. 我国自主制造的海洋地质测量船周三在广东下水。 Haiyang Dizhi-10 (Ocean Geology 10) enters the water after the launches of Haiyang Diz... 阅读全文>>

日期:2017-06-26 China has set the window to launch its Long March-5 Y2 carrier rocket between July 2 and 5. 中国将于7月2日至5日期间发射长征5号Y2运载火箭。 Carrying Shijian-18 communication satellite, the rocket was vertically transferred to the launch area at Wench... 阅读全文>>

日期:2017-06-22 After flying with the Tiangong-2 space lab for about two months, Chinas Tianzhou-1 cargo spacecraft on Wednesday separated from the space lab and entered a stage of independent operation. 中国天舟1号货运飞船与天宫2号太空实验室飞行两个月之后在周三分... 阅读全文>>

日期:2017-06-20 Chinese scientists announced Monday they had realized the real-time transmission of deep-sea data for more than 190 straight days, a world record. 中国科学家周一宣布,他们已经实现了190多天深海数据实时传输,创造了新的世界记录。 During an expedition t... 阅读全文>>

日期:2017-06-19 Chinas fourth Generation Multi-Purpose Medium fighter jet, the Shenyang J-31, developed by the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC), is making an appearance at the Paris Air Show for the first time. 中国第四代对功能中型战斗机,由中国航空工... 阅读全文>>

日期:2017-06-14 Microsoft Corp is doubling its cloud capacity in China, which will enable the US tech giant to serve nearly 200,000 corporate cloud customers locally in 2018, Alain Crozier, CEO of Microsoft in China, said. 微软中国总裁阿兰克罗泽表示,2018年微软计划... 阅读全文>>

日期:2017-06-14 Scientists in China have unveiled multiple tasks they plan to carry out as part of the lunar exploration program at the just-concluded Global Space Exploration Conference (GLEX 2017) in Beijing. 刚刚结束的2017北京全球太空探索会议上,中国科学家展示了... 阅读全文>>

日期:2017-06-14 Chinas Caihong (CH), or Rainbow, solar-powered unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), the countrys first near-space solar drone, has successfully conducted a flight at an altitude of 20 km. 中国首台近太空无人机、太阳能飞行器彩虹号,成功在海拔20公里的天空飞... 阅读全文>>

日期:2017-06-11 China has explored about 210,000 cubic meters of the combustible ice in the South China Sea, a local geological bureau said on Saturday. 中国已在南海开采大约21万立方米可燃冰。 A month has passed since the test on the extraction of combustible ice st... 阅读全文>>

日期:2017-06-11 Scientists have developed a form of ultrastrong, lightweight carbon that is hard as a diamond yet elastic like rubber and electrically conductive. 科学家发明了一种超强轻型碳,这种碳像钻石一样坚硬却有橡胶一样的弹性并可以导电。 In simple terms, the ma... 阅读全文>>

日期:2017-06-10 GIGANTIC The Stratolaunch aircraft is enormous, with a wingspan totaling 385 feet (117 meters), longer than the wingspan of any other aircraft and greater than the length of an American football field. Among commonly seen aircraft, the double-decker... 阅读全文>>

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