日期:2023-01-29 The wind howled and the snow blew into Annas face. She struggled to guide her horse up the frozen mountain path. She was determined to find Elsa. Anna was sure her sister would thaw the fjord and bring back summer. The whole kingdom would celebrate,... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-01-29 Elsa burst into the courtyard. She was so afraid now that her secret was out. She hoped she hadnt hurt anyone. Regardless, everyone in Arendelle would soon know about her magic. There she is! cried a townswoman, excited to get a glimpse of the newly... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-01-29 Anna pushed through the crowd of guests, and one of the dancers tripped into her, knocking her backward. Someone grabbed her by the arms before she hit the floor. Glad I caught you, Hans said, smiling. Hans! she said, surprised. Hans lifted Anna bac... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-01-29 The cathedral was packed with people as the coronation ceremony began. An orchestra played and a choir sang while the royal procession walked down the very long center aisle. The bishop led the way, followed by Elsa, looking regal and serious, and f... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-01-29 In the streets below, Anna was strolling dreamily around the harbor, watching the ships and imagining all the fun the coronation party would bring. For once, it wouldnt matter that Elsa didnt want to spend time with her, because shed be spending tim... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-01-29 On the morning of Elsas coronation, the heavy gates to the castle were finally opened. All of Arendelle wanted to celebrate the grand occasion. The streets in front of the castle were crowded with townspeople eager to see the new queen. To add to th... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-01-29 In a grassy valley next to a deep fjord, the castle of Arendelle lay silent in the night. The bright luster of the northern lights danced across the windows, waking a small girl. She sat up and grinned to see the wonderful green light. The girl jump... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-01-29 Back at the castle, the king and queen immediately ordered that the castle gates be locked. All the doors were closed and the windows shuttered. They kept the girls secluded and no longer opened the castle to visitors. The family stayed hidden, tuck... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-01-29 The castles library was dark, but the king knew what he was looking for: an ancient book filled with knowledge from centuries past. When he found it, he pulled it from the shelf and quickly flipped through the pages to the section he needed. In it w... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-01-29 Long ago, atop a mountain high above the kingdom of Arendelle, a group of strong men were hard at work. They were ice harvesters, men who cut and hauled huge blocks of ice from the mountain lakes. Horses stood at attention, waiting with empty wagons... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-01-29 1. I think were all on the same page. 我想他们都明白了。 2. I almost got through that with a straight face. 我差点就能一本正经地说完了。 3. Knock yourself out. 敞开肚皮吃吧。 4. Im just a little out of my element. 我还没适应这里的生活。 5. He was a... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-01-29 1. Tragedy and delight... Hand in hand. 塞翁失马,焉知非福。 2. Id waste away if you werent here looking after me. 要是没你在这照顾我, 我就会日渐消瘦了。 3. I made Brewster pigs in the blanket tonight before leaving. 我今晚走之前给布鲁斯特做了面包... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-01-29 On a wind turbine overlooking San Fransokyo Bay, six friends who happened to be superheroes looked down on the city they were committed to protect. We didnt set out to be superheroes. But sometimes life doesnt go the way you planned, Hiro said. The... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-01-29 The area immediately outside the portal had become completely unstable. The Krei Tech buildings were starting to bend and crack toward it. Krei nervously looked at his watch. Only five seconds until implosion. There was nothing Hiros team could do b... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-01-29 Baymax and Hiro dodged debris as they flew through the swirling portal at high speed. Look out! Hiro called when a huge chunk of cement whistled by them. I have located the patient. Baymaxs sensor was picking up stronger life readings the deeper the... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-01-29 Hiro flailed his arms and grabbed onto the end of a metal pipe. Holding the pipe, Hiro fought against being pulled into the vortex of the portal. He watched his team below, and saw they were being beaten badly. Yokai laughed as the microbots grabbed... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-01-29 When they arrived, Alistair Krei was addressing his employees at a company-wide meeting outdoors. This beautiful new campus is the culmination of a lifelong dream, he told them. But none of this would have been possible without a few bumps in the ro... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-01-29 Back at his garage, Hiro burst in with Baymax behind him. He sat down at his computer and accessed Baymaxs super sensor. This enabled him to make code changes directly into Baymax. Baymax stared at Hiro. Hiros eyebrows were furrowed as he concentrat... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-01-29 Professor Callaghan! Hiro said, confused. The team was starting to recover and was now standing next to Hiro. But ... the explosion. You died, Hiro said. No, your microbots kept me safe, Callaghan replied. Hiros mind was racing. But Tadashi ... you... 阅读全文>>

日期:2023-01-29 Hiro and the team watched the video as the flight pods engines fired up. The portal was humming. A computer-generated voice echoed through the lab: T-minus thirty seconds to launch. All systems go for pod launch, Krei said. A technician suddenly sai... 阅读全文>>

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