• 2019席琳·迪翁将发新专辑

    19-04-08 Celine Dion has announced she will be releasing new songs, as well as take part in a world tour later this year. 席琳迪翁宣布将于今年晚些时候推出新歌并开始世界巡演。 The 51-year-old Canadian singer is due to finish her Las Vegas residency in June, a...

  • 全球100宜居城市 中国10个上榜

    18-08-20 Ten Chinese cities have been listed on the Economist Intelligence Units 2018 ranking of the 100 best cities to live in the world. 经济学人智库2018世界100最宜居城市排名,中国有10个城市上榜。 Hong Kong, Taipei and Suzhou rank the 35th, 58th and 74th r...

  • 丁俊晖入选斯诺克名人堂

    18-05-14 Chinas former world number one Ding Junhui was inducted into the world snooker Hall of Fame at the annual World Snooker Awards ceremony at the Dorchester Hotel in central London on Thursday. 上周四在伦敦多切斯特酒店举行的世界斯诺克协会年度颁奖典礼中...

  • 世界拳击理事会授予邹市明最高荣誉奖

    18-02-26 The World Boxing Council (WBC) bestowed Chinese boxing star Zou Shiming with top honor on Friday, recognizing his accomplishments in the world of boxing. 世界拳击理事会周五授予中国拳击明星邹市明最高荣誉奖,肯定了他在世界拳击领域的成就。 The World Bo...

  • 世界拳击理事会授予邹市明最高荣誉奖

    18-02-26 The World Boxing Council (WBC) bestowed Chinese boxing star Zou Shiming with top honor on Friday, recognizing his accomplishments in the world of boxing. 世界拳击理事会周五授予中国拳击明星邹市明最高荣誉奖,肯定了他在世界拳击领域的成就。 The World Bo...

  • 如今建造一座长城需要耗费540亿英镑

    17-06-28 New research has revealed the cost of building the Wonders of the World in todays money. 一项新研究显示,当今建造世界七大奇迹需要花费多少钱。 British building merchant Travis Perkins has been hard at work, adding up the cost of some unusual construc...

  • 《灰姑娘》精彩语句

    17-04-27 1. She saw the world not always as it was, with just a little bit of magic. 因为一点点魔法,她眼中的世界于是变得与众不同。 2. True, she had no title, nor crown, nor castle, but she was the ruler of her own little kingdom, whose borders were the hous...

  • 无雷世界2025哈里王子讲话

    17-04-27 Its funny for you, isnt it? Twenty years ago, in the last months of her life, my mother campaigned to draw attention to the horrific and indiscriminate impact of landmines. She visited affected areas such as Huambo in Angola and Travnik in Bosnia. S...

  • 如何委婉地表达死亡

    17-01-23 1. go to meet ones Maker 注意这个Maker要大写,有造物主的意思,所以去见造物主了就是灵魂回归了,也就是死亡的委婉说法,就像我们也会说某人去见马克思了。 He knew that he came into the world with nothing and that he would go to meet his Maker with empty h...

  • BBC:2016不容错过的最佳书籍

    16-12-29 10. Yaa Gyasi, Homegoing Gyasi creates an unforgettable cast of characters as she follows seven generations of a family through the dislocations and continuing repercussions of slavery. 9. Sarah Bakewell, At the Existentialist Caf Bakewells idiosync...