• 如何成为亿万富翁

    21-02-27 我们都听过这样的一个成功富豪的故事,他们从学校辍学,在没有完成学业的情况下创造出上百万甚至是上亿的财富。但是这是常规吗? Have you ever fancied sailing around the world in your own yacht or buying a holiday home in the Caribbean? Well, before you get...

  • 经典电子游戏重掀热潮

    21-02-24 你是不是曾经一度为了创下俄罗斯方块得分新高而点灯熬夜?一提到在80、90年代盛行的 Gameboy 游戏机,是不是勾起了你许多童年的记忆?尽管电子科技在近年来发展飞速,但让我们感到意外的是曾经陪伴我们度过无数童年假期的那些经典游戏再度回归。 Theres no doubt that...

  • Shoe-Bar Stratton - Chapter 19

    21-02-24 Buck took to Jim Tenny at once. There was something about this long, lean, brown-faced foreman of the Rocking-R, with his clear gray eyes and that half-humorous twist to his thin lips, which inspired not only confidence but liking as well. He listen...

  • accelerate the speed, go faster 快马加鞭

    21-02-20 快马加鞭,汉语成语,意思是跑得很快的马再加上一鞭子,使马跑得更快(whip the flying horse to an even swifter speed)。比喻快上加快,加速前进。可以翻译为accelerate the speed,go faster。 例句: 要赶超世界先进水平,我们还得快马加鞭。 In order to catch u...

  • 洁身自好

    21-01-08 洁身自好的意思是保持自身的纯洁,不同流合污。也指怕招惹是非,只关心自己,不关心公众事情。可以翻译为keep oneself unspotted from the world或remain unspotted from the world. 例句: 她不太聪明,但是她洁身自好。 She is not very bright, but she remains uns...

  • be helpless 无依无靠

    20-12-27 无依无靠,汉语成语,形容孤苦而无所依靠(have no one to depend on/turn to),孤零零的样子。可以翻译为be helpless或be all alone in the world。 例句: 卡罗尔感到自己在世界上无依无靠。 Carol felt all alone in the world. 孤孤单单,无依无靠,他被迫乞讨为...

  • 改变世界 从改变自己开始

    20-12-15 Theres a saying that really stuck with me from a random monk who lived 900 years ago: When I was a young man, I wanted to change the world. I found it was difficult to change the world, so I tried to change my nation. When I found I couldnt change t...

  • 英语前缀

    20-12-13 在很多英语单词的词根前加上前缀 prefixes,则能使之变为具有全新意思的新词。常见的英语前缀有 in-、un-、de-、dis- 等。比如,在单词 certain 确定的 前面加上前缀 un-,组成形容词 uncertain,词义也随之变成了 不确定的。英语中还有哪些常用前缀?它们的用法分别是...

  • 韦氏词典和词典网2020年度词汇 pandemic

    20-12-03 For the first time, two US dictionary companies on Monday declared the same word their word of the year: pandemic. 本周一(11月30日),两家美国词典公司宣布了同一个年度词汇大流行病,这还是有史以来首次。 The challenges of 2020, Oxford Languages said,...

  • BBC:12月不可错过的6部电影

    20-12-01 Wonder Woman 1984 《神奇女侠1984》 A year on from the day it was originally scheduled to come out, Wonder Woman 1984 is finally leaping into cinemas and onto a streaming platform making it 2020s first and last major superhero blockbuster. Gal Gadot...