• Bill Clinton点燃世界 1

    22-04-15 You are graduating in the most interdependent age in human history. 你们都将毕业于人类史上最相互依赖的时代。 Interdependent with each other, within your community, your state, your nation and the world. 你所在的社区、州、国家甚至全球范围内,大家都是...

  • dog-eat-dog 损人利己的;无情的

    22-02-28 blind 可以指(司机看不到的)盲点的,盲区的,偷袭是不是都是从看不见的地方出手呢? blindside的意思是偷袭;出其不意地打击,通常都是被动用法哦。 He complained about being blindsided by the decision. 他抱怨该决定让他感到意外。 dog-eat-dog 字面意思就是狗...

  • 与陌生人开口的第一句话

    22-02-07 1. How do you know...? 你怎么知道的? How do you know后面可加人名。比如说,How do you know Charlie?那么对方就会开始和你的下一段对话,就是表示他怎么认识他的,话题就从中来啦。 2. What wheels you drive? 你喜欢开什么车? 这个对话的开始非常常见于两个男性...

  • watch the world go by 与世界擦身而过

    22-01-04 Watch the world go by 与世界擦身而过 例句 My sister loves sitting on her balcony. She sits there for hours watching the world go by. I didnt read my book in the cafe. I was just watching the world go by. 请注意 另一个包含 world 一词的短语是 to mean...

  • 人口老龄化

    21-12-20 全球人口正在经历老龄化,这重要吗?虽然人口老龄化意味着劳动人口比重下降,老年人更依赖政府救济,但这件事情也有积极的一面。有哪些办法可以减轻人口老龄化的影响? Theres one thing for certain were all getting older. And while the older amongst us may be n...

  • on top of the world 幸福至极

    21-12-17 当我们说某人 on top of the world 字面意思是这个人在世界顶端,但实际是说此人处于最快乐或最成功的境界。类似汉语里的幸福至极,心满意足。 例句 Winning a gold medal was the happiest moment of my life. I was on top of the world. Hes so happy now that hes...

  • Northanger Abbey - Chapter 17

    21-11-29 The Allens had now entered on the sixth week of their stay in Bath; and whether it should be the last was for some time a question, to which Catherine listened with a beating heart. To have her acquaintance with the Tilneys end so soon was an evil w...

  • 现在我拥有的,过去做梦都想不到

    21-10-24 现在我拥有的,过去做梦都想不到I think 我想 It would be fair to say that 自己可以以中肯的态度说 my upbringing has not been the most typical. 小时我被教养的方式有些与众不同 Without getting in to too much detail 再次我不想赘述太多细节 l I have had A few...

  • 一个癌症患者的愿望

    21-10-24 Where the mind is without fear 在那儿,心灵无畏 and the head is held high... , 头颅高昂 into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake, 我的父啊, 让我的国觉醒,走入自由的天堂! as this famous quote of Rabindranath Tagore ran through h...

  • 人文知识综合练习 3

    21-10-09 1. In area, the United States is the ____ largest country in the world. A 2nd B 3rd C 4th D 5th 2.The 50th state in America is ____ A Alaska B Texas C Hawaii D Rhode Island 3. Mauna Loa, the worlds largest active volcano, is located in ____ A Hawaii...