• 逢蒙杀后羿

    14-11-12 Feng meng learned archery from Hou Yi and Hou Yi had tried his best to teach him all the skills. After he had learned al the skills from Hou Yi, he thought that except Hou Yi, there was no one in the world whose archery skill were better than his. I...

  • book hangover 醉书

    14-10-15 Book hangover refers to the moment when you've finished a book and you suddenly return to the real world, but the real world feels incomplete or surreal because you're still living in the world of the book. 醉书指的是当你读完一本书突然回到现实中,却...

  • American Tragedy 美国悲剧 chapter 22

    14-09-11 The Clyde whom Samuel Griffiths described as having met at the Union League Club in Chicago, was asomewhat modified version of the one who had fled from Kansas City three years before. He was now twenty, a little taller and more firmly but scarcely...

  • 水短缺问题或将于2050年得到解决

    14-09-01 Water scarcity is not a problem just for the developing world. In California, legislators are currently proposing a $7.5 billion emergency water plan to their voters; and U.S. federal officials last year warned residents of Arizona and Nevada that t...

  • 马拉色氏菌在全球广泛分布

    14-08-26 A ubiquitous(普遍存在的) skin fungus linked to dandruff(头皮屑) , eczema(湿疹) and other itchy, flaky maladies in humans has now been tracked to even further global reaches -- including Hawaiian coral reefs and the extreme environments of arct...

  • The phoenix

    14-08-19 Many ages had now passed away since the Phoenix had been seen in the world. At last he again appeared. Immediately al the different kinds of animals, both birds and beasts, flocked around him. Astonished at his beauty, they stared and admired, and b...

  • 《后会无期》精彩语句

    14-08-06 进一步,海阔天空。 Take a step forward and find a vast sky. 交心吧,放在我身上;放心吧,交在我身上。 Open your heart to me, and keep yourself at ease because of me. 今天我上了这个台,就不怕让自己下不来台。 Now that I step on the stage, I'm not afrai...

  • Mirror,Mirror-What do I See

    14-07-31 A loving person lives in a loving world. A hostile person lives in a hostile world. Everyone you meet is your mirror. Mirrors have a very particular function. They reflect the image in front of them. Just as a physical mirror serves as the vehicle t...

  • WHO公布全球酒精与健康状况报告

    14-07-25 People in the UK are among the most prolific drinkers in the world, according to a report released by the World Health Organisation. 世界卫生组织公布的一项报告显示,英国饮酒者的酗酒量是世界上最高的之一。 Britons over the age of 15 on average drink 1...

  • 中国富豪热衷全球高端奢华游

    14-07-11 Waking up inside an enormous tent in the Sahara Desert in Morocco, you are unlikely to miss any of the luxuries that come with a top-end hotel suite. Private bodyguards patrol the area with guns to ensure that you aren't attacked by wild animals. Th...