• 跟狗狗有关的习惯表达

    22-04-02 1. to work like a dog 拼命工作,卖命工作 这句表达中像狗一样并不是贬义词,而是说狗代表着忠诚,也是说工作非常努力。例如: My brother worked like a dog to become successful. 我哥哥为了让自己更成功,工作很努力。 2. to help a lame dog over a stile 帮某人...

  • back to the drawing board 从头再来

    22-03-30 表达 back to the drawing board 的意思是 正在进行中的项目或采用的计划失败了,要重新开始、从头再来,才能让事情成功。 例句 Im sorry, but this idea just wont work. We need to go back to the drawing board. 不好意思,这个主意行不通。我们得重新开始。 After...

  • win-win 双赢,各方受益

    22-03-30 合成形容词 win-win 的意思是 双赢的,各方受益的,用来谈论没有人会输,各得其所的情况。Win-win 后面可以搭配名词 situation(情况) 等使用。 例句 This deal means that we can work overtime and receive more money. Its a win-win deal for both the workers an...

  • count, calculate, compute, reckon, work out

    22-03-30 如何区分这些和数学有关的词汇。它们都是我们在日常生活中可能用到的说法,但什么时候应该用哪一个?下面,我们就来解答这个问题。 第一个词是 count。动词 count 和数学有关的意思是 数数,计数。比如,从1数到10 就是 count from one to ten;英语表达 could count s...

  • be cocky 翘尾巴

    22-03-30 翘尾巴,汉语词语,字面意思是stick ones tail up,比喻骄傲自大,自以为了不起。可以翻译为be cocky,get stuck-up或be haughty and snooty等。 例句: 不要取得一点成绩就翘尾巴,你还差得远呢。 Dont get cocky when youve just achieved something. There is much...

  • 过去10年国人的睡眠时长减少90分钟

    22-03-28 最近发布的一份报告显示,过去10年国人的入睡时间晚了两个多小时,睡眠时长减少90分钟。 The average Chinese person is getting around 90 minutes less sleep a day than 10 years ago, with the duration falling from 8.5 hours in 2012 to just over seven hours...

  • very fruitful 卓有成效

    22-03-28 卓有成效,汉语成语,意思是形容有突出的成绩和效果,也指做事效率很高,办事方式很有效果。可以翻译为very fruitful,highly effective等。 例句: 进行卓有成效的会谈 Hold a productive talk with somebody 工作卓有成效 Have made remarkable achievements in work...

  • 10个关于动物的鲜为人知的事实

    22-03-24 1. Trained African giant pouched rats have found thousands of unexploded landmines and bombs. Researchers have also trained these rats to detect tuberculosis. And most recently they are training them to sniff out poached wildlife trophies being expo...

  • work by fits and starts 三天打鱼,两天晒网

    22-03-23 三天打鱼,两天晒网,汉语俗语,字面意思是go fishing for three days and dry the nets for two,比喻做事情没有恒心,经常中断,不能长期坚持(lack perseverance),可以翻译为work by fits and starts。 例句: 他三天打鱼,两天晒网,怎么能把学习搞好? Playing...

  • be scrupulous about every detail 一丝不苟

    22-03-23 一丝不苟,汉语成语,一丝表示a trace of something, details,苟指indifferent,negligent, 不表示否定not,negative。一丝不苟的意思是指做事认真细致,一点儿不马虎,可以翻译为 be conscientious and meticulous,be scrupulous about every detail。 例句: 老...