• 给好友提个醒

    22-06-22 1. You shouldnt work so hard. 你不应该这么拼命工作。 2. If I were you, I would enjoy my vacation. 我要是你的话,就好好享受这个假期。 3. You should be more careful. 你应该再仔细一些。 4. Dont break your promise. 不要说话不算话。 5. Have you thought a...

  • 面对朋友的精彩表现,你可以毫不吝啬地说:

    22-06-13 1.There you go! 干得不错! 2.Keep up the good work. 继续努力哦。 3.Keep it up. 坚持哦。 4.Good job. 干得好。 5. Im so proud of you! 你是我的骄傲!...

  • be conscientious and do one's best 兢兢业业

    22-06-13 兢兢业业,汉语成语,形容做事小心谨慎,工作认真踏实。可以翻译为be conscientious and do ones best,be assiduous或be very careful to do ones work properly等。 例句: 多少年来,他工作一直兢兢业业。 Hed been doing his job conscientiously for many years....

  • 去上班

    22-06-09 1. 你提早下班到家,发现室友在客厅。他平常都回的比你晚。于是你问他今天是不是一直呆在家: Did you go in to work today? 你今天上班了吗? 2. 用短语go in表达某人去上班之意: What time are you going in today? 你今天几点上班? 3. 但只有当你不在办公室的时候...

  • 别人已经开始做了,你给予鼓励:

    22-06-07 1. There you go! 做得不错啊! 2. Keep up the good work. 再接再厉。 3. Keep it up. 继续保持。 4. Good job. 干得不错。 5. Im so proud of you! 真为你骄傲!...

  • up to date 最新的

    22-05-20 搭配 up to date 形容一样事物的设计、版本或信息是 最新的,最新式的。注意,在名词前使用时,词与词间需要加连字符,即 up-to-date。 例句 If you want the software to work, you need to make sure its up to date. 如果你想让软件运行顺畅,就要确保它是最新版本...

  • 写日记的好处

    22-05-18 你喜欢回忆往事吗?你是否担心随着时间的推移会忘记过去的点点滴滴?不妨在忙碌间抽出片刻写篇日记,记录生活中的美好或失意。 For many of us, a work diary is a practical thing. We use them for work to make a note of appointments or meetings, scribbling wor...

  • 一些价格谈判的表达

    22-04-28 (1) 买方抱怨价格太高 The price is on the high side. 价格偏高。 The price is too high to be acceptable. 价格太高,不可以接受了。 The price is too high to work on. 价格太高,我们不可行。 The price is far beyond our reach. 价格远远超出我们所能接受的范...

  • get cracking 赶紧行动

    22-04-26 get cracking 表示赶紧行动,立即开始做,快点; Come on ,get cracking! we have to finish this work on time. 赶紧的,行动起来,我们必须按时完成这项任务 。...

  • 美剧里常说的俚语 3

    22-04-26 11 Draw the line 停止;判定好坏的分界线 Now I draw the line at speaking in front of 34,000 people. 现在我结束了在34000人前的讲话。 12 Easier said than done 说起来容易做起来难 You want me to come to work at 6:00 AM? Easier said than done! 想让我6点就...