• beglext 短信聊天中途不回短信的行为

    22-10-08 几分钟前,你还和某个朋友起劲地发短信聊天,可是,你忽然发现,怎么也等不来对方的下一条短信,你忍不住频繁地查看手机,就这么浪费了半个钟头,你才意识到自己被对方忽视了。 Neglext is the act of not texting back when in the midst of a text exchange. Can be...

  • a good judge of talent 伯乐

    22-09-23 工作中,每个人都希望能遇到赏识自己的伯乐,但也有很多人感慨千里马常有,而伯乐不常有。 伯乐,相传春秋时人,以善相马著称(a man of the Spring and Autumn Period who was reputed for being able to spot good horses)。如今引申为善于发现、推荐、培养和使用人...

  • The Godfather 教父 Chapter 18

    22-09-14 Amerigo Bonasera lived only a few blocks from his undertaking establishment on Mulberry Street and so always went home for supper. Evenings he returned to his place of business, dutifully joining those mourners paying their respects to the dead who...

  • 奥巴马获第74届艾美奖“最佳旁白奖”

    22-09-09 据美联社9月4日报道,美国前总统奥巴马凭借为纪录片《我们伟大的国家公园》所配的旁白,获得了第74届艾美奖的最佳旁白奖。奥巴马此前还曾获得两项格莱美奖,因此他目前只差一项奥斯卡奖和一项托尼奖,就能达成所谓的美国演艺圈大满贯(EGOT),而至今只有包括著名影星...

  • get something done in one go 一鼓作气

    22-09-08 一鼓作气,汉语成语,原指作战擂响第一声战鼓时,士气最为高涨。现在比喻劲头大时,一口气完成。可以翻译为get something done in one go等。 例句: 他一鼓作气完成了工作。 He has done his work at one fling....

  • 几个和far相关的常用英语表达

    22-08-31 1 a far cry from 这个短语可不是在很远的地方哭的意思,而是天壤之别。 例句: What Mary did was a far cry from what she said she was going to do. 玛丽言行不一。 2 so far so good 这个短语很常用,意思是到目前为止一切都还算顺利。 例句: The work is rather...

  • tall order 很难完成的任务或要求

    22-08-25 Chris告诉同事Jason, 准备买辆新车。 Jason: Hey there Chris, what are you up to? Chris: Im just poring over some brochures about various car models. J: Oh, so youre thinking about buying a new car? C: Yeah, it looks that way. My wife has been bugging...

  • comp time 调休假

    22-08-25 Jerry跟同事Paula和Will打招呼,聊聊彼此周末都干了些什么。 Jerry: Hey, Paula. Hi, Will. Did you have a good weekend? Paula: Yeah... I checked out that new 3D movie. Its amazing what they can do with technologies these days! Will: I went mountain bikin...

  • 20种走路姿态

    22-08-17 1. The drunkard staggered(蹒跚) from the coffee shop and clung to a lamp-post. 2. The hitch-hikers reached the town after a long walk and plodded(迈着艰难的脚步行走;跋涉) wearily to the hotel. 3. The man whose wife was expecting the first baby was...

  • 加拿大一家糖果公司招募“首席糖果官”

    22-08-09 你在童年时可曾幻想过靠着吃糖发财?这个美梦如今有机会实现啦!加拿大糖果公司Candy Funhouse日前就在求职网站公开招募全球独一无二的首席糖果官,只要你住在北美洲、年满5岁、热爱糖果并对糖果有着独特的见解,你就有机会获得这份年薪约合53万人民币的梦幻职位。 A C...