• as good as gold (表现)很乖

    21-12-17 如果一个人被形容为 as good as gold, 那就意味着这个人表现很乖,很好,通常用来形容孩子。 例句 Youll have to be as good as gold during the wedding dont go running off in the church! Daddy bought me a new toy for being as good as gold today. I was so wo...

  • making waves 制造风波

    21-12-17 如果某人或某事 makes waves 这就意味着他们对外产生了影响,制造风波。 例句 The footballer is making waves. I think a lot of people are shocked by his comments. This news story is really making waves this week. Everyone is talking about it. In the conf...

  • to get something out of your system 发泄

    21-12-14 Get something out of your system 让什么东西离开你的身体这个表达的实际意思是发泄。把藏在心中许久或忍耐很长一段时间的事情说出来,释放一下。 例句 Im sorry for shouting at you, but I had to get it out of my system. I hate it when you dont take your shoe...

  • 美国“用工荒”越发严重 各公司纷纷开展“劝留”面谈

    21-12-10 伴随着辞职人数的上升,美国的用工荒越发严重,雇主们不得不绞尽脑汁留住现有人才。为了留住业务骨干的心,美国的公司们纷纷开展劝留面谈。 Americans are walking away from their jobs in record numbers as remote work has uncoupled jobs from geography, and dro...

  • 好了,玩笑就到此……

    21-12-10 好了,玩笑就到此 Well, all joking aside,... Well, seriously,... 例句: Ha, ha, thats a good one! (哈,哈,这个玩笑真有趣。) Well, all joking aside, lets get to work. (好了好了,玩笑归玩笑,快去干活儿吧。) 顺便提一下 By the way,... Well,... Now,......

  • to be on the same wavelength 意气相投

    21-12-06 这个表达源于广播术语,意思是两人或多人观点相投、合得来。其中单词 wavelength 指电台播送节目时使用的波段或频道,人们只有处于同一波段才能通讯、联络。 例句 Finally I think were on the same wavelength and we should be able to work together to complete th...

  • work your socks off 拼命干活

    21-12-06 非正式表达 work your socks off 拼命地干活,连袜子都掉了被用来形容为达成目标而十分勤奋、努力地做某事。 例句 I worked my socks off at university and graduated with a great degree. If you want to progress in this company youll have to work your socks o...

  • have your feet on the ground 脚踏实地

    21-12-02 表达 have/keep ones feet on the ground 或 have/keep both feet on the ground 保持(双)脚站立在地上类似中文里脚踏实地或一步一个脚印的含义,用来形容做事踏实、注重实际的品质。 这个表达中的单词 ground 在做名词时,通常指土地、地面。它的形容词形式 grounde...

  • goody-goody 道貌岸然、讨好卖乖的人

    21-11-25 合成名词 goody-goody 指 自鸣得意或道貌岸然的人,这个人可能 伪善、假正经,或在他人面前故意讨好卖乖。这是一个非正式的说法,带有贬义,表达 goody two shoes 的意思相同。 例句 Derek is such a goody-goody that hes always trying to appear like hes perfect i...

  • tough cookie 很坚强,很有主意

    21-11-24 tough cookie指的是一个人很坚强,很有主意,不太会受别人的影响。 例句: Our boss is sure one tough cookie. If you dont work hard, hell fire you from your job in a minute. 我们老板是个很强硬的人。如果你不努力工作,他会马上解雇你的。...