• 心态好 工作才快乐

    12-11-08 Depending on the underlying cause of your dissatisfaction, there may be several ways to increase your job satisfaction. Use positive thinking to reframe your thoughts about your job. Changing your attitude about work won't necessarily happen overnig...

  • 超级计算:纯数学的计算之路

    12-11-07 A world-famous mathematician responsible for solving one of the subject's most challenging problems has published his latest work as a University of Leicester research report. This follows the visit that famed mathematician Yuri Matiyasevich made to...

  • 父母要给孩子做合理消费的榜样

    12-10-19 Parents need to be good role models to help their children make sensible financial decisions, according to Adam Hancock and his team, from East Carolina University in the US. Their work highlights that parents who argue about finances contribute to...

  • Because of His Love

    12-10-15 Job was not a brilliant man. He swept floors for a living. He believed that Tarzan was a real man, and that all those movies were really documentaries of Tarzan's life. He was the butt of many jokes, yet he taught me about the essence of a 'real man...

  • 共同分担家务的夫妇离婚率高

    12-10-02 Divorce rates are far higher among modern couples who share the housework than in those where the woman does the lion's share of the chores, a Norwegian study has found. 挪威一项最新调查表明,共同分担家务的现代夫妇的离婚率比妻子承担绝大部分家务的夫...

  • 奥巴马演讲 国会必须采取行动创造就业机会并刺激经济

    12-09-29 Hi, everybody. Last week, without much fanfare(吹牛,炫耀) , Members of the House of Representatives banged a gavel(小木槌) , turned out the lights, and rushed home, declaring their work finished for now. If that frustrates you, it shouldbecause...

  • Secrets, Lies and Love

    12-09-26 March 12, 2007 issue - A few years ago, just as her father was about to disappear into the fog of dementia(痴呆) , journalist Lucinda Franks stumbled upon a small box in a corner of his dilapidated(荒废的) apartment. The contents shocked her. Be...

  • 新式毫微光刻技术问世

    12-09-04 Researchers from North Carolina State University have developed a new nanolithography(毫微光刻) technique that is less expensive than other approaches and can be used to create technologies with biomedical applications. Among other things, this ty...

  • 音乐的语言

    12-09-03 A painter hangs his or her finished picture on a wall, and everyone can see it. A composer writes a work, but no one can hear it until it is performed. Professional singers and players have great responsibilities, for the composer is utterly depende...

  • Work and Pleasure

    12-08-17 To be really happy and really safe, one ought to have at least two or three hobbies, and they must all be real. It is no use starting late in life to say: I will take an interest in this or that. Such an attempt only aggravates(加重,恶化) the str...