• 日本女孩用美腿作广告牌

    13-02-25 Introducing the least subliminal advertising ever. In Japan, companies are actually launching print campaigns on young women's bare legs. 来见识一下有史以来最大胆露骨的广告方式吧。在日本,一些公司用年轻女孩的光腿作为广告牌,印上图案进行宣传。 A woma...

  • 英国建议年龄超60岁的人重回学校学习

    13-02-25 People in their sixties should go to university to retrain because they will be expected to work for longer before retirement, the Government has suggested. 英国政府建议年龄超过60岁的人回到学校重新接受培训,因为预计这些人的退休年龄会推后。 Older wor...

  • 《真爱挑日子》二

    13-02-21 片段对白 (1989) Dexter: Are you all right? Emma: Lift, lift. Dexter: Okay, well, I'm coming up. Couldn't you have just hired someone to move this stuff? Emma: No. Dexter: Look, I would have paid. Emma: All right, lift from your end. You've obviously...

  • A Whole Hour 整整一小时

    13-01-31 Mr. Brown arrived for work an hour late. His clothes were torn and tattered. He was banged and bruised, and he had one arm in a sling. His boss was purple with rage. It's ten o'clock, screamed the boss, you were supposed to be here at nine. What hap...

  • 《泰坦尼克号》二

    13-01-29 精彩对白 He must have been nervous, but he never faltered . They assumed he was one of them. Heir to a railroad fortune, perhaps. New money , obviously, but still a member of the club. Mother, of course, could always be counted upon . Mother: Tell u...

  • 经济萧条 英国“家庭煮夫”数量持续增长

    13-01-28 Men now make up nearly 10 percent of those who care for children while their partner goes out to work, official employment statistics revealed today. 根据今天官方公布的就业统计数据,在照看孩子的父母中,男性占了近10%,而其配偶则外出工作。 There were...

  • When I Retire, We Will See the World

    13-01-23 It was 10 p.m. Fritz said good night to his wife. She was watching TV. He went to bed. Tomorrow was a big day. It was his last day of work. Thirty years with the federal government. Thirty years of flying out of town for weeks on end. Thirty years o...

  • 英国男性不接受女同事穿着暴露

    13-01-20 Men want hotpants, miniskirts and low cut tops banned from the office because they are too distracting, new research shows. 新研究显示,男人希望能禁止女同事在办公室穿热裤、超短裙和低胸上衣,因为这些衣服太容易让人分心。 A study found that at least a...

  • parental leave 育婴假

    13-01-16 The draft, as the nation's first gender equality regulation, granted five days of parental leave for both parents of a child younger than age 3 in its first version last October and extended the leave to 10 days in its second version last December....

  • contractor 劳务派遣工

    13-01-16 The bill also includes an article requiring agencies and employers to follow the principle of equal pay for equal work when negotiating payment for their contractors . 该草案还包括以下条例:劳务派遣单位及用工单位在协商劳务派遣工的工资时应遵守同工同...