• 婚纱女王王薇薇刚离婚即传绯闻

    12-07-21 After recently announcing her divorce from Arthur Becker, Vera Wang may already have moved on with a new man, according to reports. 据报道,婚纱女王王薇薇与丈夫亚瑟-贝克刚刚宣布离婚,就已另结新欢。 File photo of Arthur Becker and Vera Wang. Vera Wan...

  • 奥巴马演讲 呼吁国会尽快通过《中产阶级减税延期法案》

    12-07-21 Over the past couple weeks I've been talking with folks across the country about how we're going to rebuild an economy where if you work hard, you and your family can get ahead. And right now, there's a big debate going on in Washington over two fun...

  • 雅虎新总裁年薪高达七千万

    12-07-20 Technology firm Yahoo has revealed the remuneration package it has offered to new chief executive Marissa Mayer could top $70m. 科技公司雅虎透露,公司给新总裁玛丽莎梅耶尔开出的薪酬高达7000万美元。 Marissa Mayer's basic salary will be $1m a year Ms M...

  • 美国老板主动给员工7500元度假费

    12-07-18 The CEO of Denver-based internet start-up FullContact API said in a market that is competitive for top talent, he wants to keep his employees happy and refreshed. 美国丹佛的网络初创公司FullContact API的总裁巴特-洛朗表示,在各家争相雇佣顶级人才的竞争...

  • 科学家发明不会堵塞的打印机喷头

    12-07-17 Clogged printer nozzles(喷嘴) waste time and money while reducing print quality. University of Missouri engineers recently invented a clog-preventing nozzle cover by mimicking the human eye. The nozzle cover we invented was inspired by the human e...

  • Trend-benders 反潮族

    12-07-13 Trend-benders are people who try to bring back old trends. They ride a bike to work when they can afford a car, write snail-mail whenever possible in preference to e-mail and prefer reading real books and publications instead of e-books. 反潮族(tre...

  • 西班牙六月失业人数下降10万

    12-07-03 The number of people looking for work in Spain fell almost 100,000 in June, to 4.62 million. 西班牙六月份的求职人数下降了10万,降至462万。 The Labour Ministry said the number of people filing for unemployment benefits fell by 98,853, or 2.1%, compar...

  • Gap year 空档年

    12-07-03 Gap year is an English expression (also known as drop year, deferred year, bridging year, etc) referring to a period of time - not necessarily a year in which students take time off and do something other than schooling, such as travel or work. The...

  • 2020年高校毕业生将出现缺口

    12-07-01 By 2020, there will be about 38 million to 40 million too few college and university graduates to satisfy the demands of the global labor market, a report issued this month has found. 本月公布的最新报告显示,到2020年,高校毕业生的数量将无法满足就业...

  • 布莱尔夫人对全职妈妈提出批评

    12-06-22 英国前首相布莱尔的夫人切丽日前对因为丈夫的事业和孩子而放弃个人职业的全职妈妈们公开提出批评,称这样不利于培养孩子的独立性。 Cherie Blair has attacked yummy mummies who focus on raising their children at the expense of their careers, suggesting their...