• 《不求回报》四

    12-06-13 精彩对白 Patrice: I just friended you. Do you think you're gonna confirm or ignore? Eli: Oh, I'm gonna confirm. For sure . Yeah, look at you. Of course. Emma: What was that? Adam: What? Emma: Are you being jealous? Adam: Of that guy? Come on. Emma:...

  • 科学家完成玉米基因综合研究

    12-06-05 An interdisciplinary(各学科间的) team, led by researchers at Cornell University and the U.S. Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS), have just published the most comprehensive analysis to date of the corn genome. The te...

  • 奥巴马演讲 赞赏卡尔扎伊总统并呼吁尽快实现战略合作协议

    12-06-02 It is a great pleasure to welcome President Karzai to my hometown of Chicago after he extended hospitality to me during my visit to to Kabul recently. During that trip to Afghanistan, we were able to finalize the Strategic Partnership Agreement that...

  • 青年人失业率增加

    12-05-22 Almost 13% of young people worldwide are out of work, and their situation is unlikely to improve for four years, a report by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) says. 国际劳工组织称,全世界大约有13%的年轻人处于失业状态,并且这种境况在未来4年...

  • non-combat military operations 非战争军事行动

    12-05-22 Chinese President Hu Jintao has praised the military and armed police for their contributions in non-combat military operations , referring to activities such as disaster relief work. 国家主席胡锦涛赞扬了全军和武警部队在抢险救灾等非战争军事行动中的...

  • Right Beside You

    12-05-16 The passengers on the bus watched sympathetically as the young woman with the white cane made her way carefully up the steps. She paid the driver and then, using her hands to feel the location of the seats, settled in to one. She placed her briefcas...

  • I was the foreman 我是领班

    12-05-15 Peter was telling a friend that he had just lost his job. Why did the foreman(领班) fire you? the friend asked in surprise. Oh, Peter said, you know how foreman are. They stand around with their hands in their pockets watching everybody else work....

  • 越战摄影师霍斯特·法斯离世

    12-05-11 Celebrated combat photographer Horst Faas, who covered the Vietnam War for the Associated Press, has died aged 79, his daughter says. 为美联社报道越南战争的著名战地摄影师霍斯特法斯逝世,享年79岁。 Faas spent eight years in Vietnam at the height of t...

  • 达芬奇解剖画作首次曝光

    12-05-05 5月4日到10月7日,英国白金汉宫的女王美术馆将举办题为达芬奇:解剖学家的展览,将展出著名画家达芬奇的87幅解剖画作。据介绍,达芬奇在当时共解剖了大约30具人体标本,做了上百幅解剖画稿,不过这些作品直到1900年才被发表并得到科学界的认可。 An employee of the Qu...

  • 电子邮件有助提高员工工作效率

    12-05-04 Being cut off from work email significantly reduces stress and allows employees to focus far better, according to a new study by UC Irvine and U.S. Army researchers. Heart rate monitors were attached to computer users in a suburban(郊区的) office...