• 挪威12岁女孩嫁37岁大叔

    14-10-18 2014年10月,挪威一名12岁的女孩决定要嫁给一个37岁的大叔,他们的婚礼在11日举行,成为挪威第一例童婚。 Thea is 12 years old. She's a seventh-grader at her school in Norway, and she loves riding horses and listening to One Direction. According to her blo...

  • 周年纪念词汇

    14-09-15 在英文中,百年纪念用centenary或centennial表示,这个词来源于拉丁语,意为一百年,前者多用于英国,后者多用于美国,一战百年纪念就是World War I centenary/centennial。 2012年6月2日,英国为女王伊丽莎白二世举行了登基六十周年庆典,该庆典在英文中被称为Diamond...

  • 为远离厄运 印度18岁女孩与流浪狗结婚

    14-09-07 Many people have asked for a hand in marriage, but what about a paw? This sounds like a whole new spin on the tradition of prearranged marriages in some countries. 印度一个偏远山村的18岁女孩近日在父母的安排下与一只流浪狗举办了隆重的婚礼。而她父母这...

  • 婚礼越盛大 将来婚姻越幸福

    14-08-29 The stress of organising a big wedding can leave many couples at breaking point, as they battle to coordinate a celebration on a scale which would tax even professional event planners. 筹划一场盛大的婚礼的压力之大,可使众多爱侣变为冤家怨偶。他们为这...

  • 七种最流行的婚礼仪式

    14-08-15 1. Destination wedding A brand new term in wedding terminology(术语) , a destination wedding is gaining popularity these days. If you've never heard of it, a romantic destination wedding is when bride and groom choose a location where they want to...

  • 英国八旬高龄的恋人订婚42年终结婚

    14-08-01 据英国《每日邮报》报道,1972年,英国男子大卫巴克与恋人达芙妮索普订婚。但从订婚到步入婚姻殿堂,这对恋人却走了42年。日前,这对八旬高龄的恋人才终成眷属。 Two lovestruck pensioners have finally exchanged vows - 42 years after they got engaged. David Bar...

  • 12/13/14 婚礼完美连续日

    14-08-01 想在今年完成终身大事的情侣,可以考虑将婚礼定在12月13日。错过今年12/13/14大吉日,得再等20年,下一个完美连续日期是1/2/34(2034年1月2日)。 Like other iconic dates before it, Dec. 13, 2014, is prompting couples in central Ohio and elsewhere to book it...

  • 龙卷风做婚纱照背景 疯狂浪漫

    14-07-11 加拿大一对新婚夫妇在拍摄婚纱照时,忽然身后出现了龙卷风,摄影师将这一幕拍了下来,让这对新人体验了一把终生难忘的疯狂浪漫。 A Canadian couple were posing for photographs on their wedding day Saturday when a tornado formed behind them, creating a set of...

  • 英国新娘结婚当天婚戒被偷

    14-07-06 A cold-hearted thief is believed to have swiped a black handbag containing the sapphire and diamond-encrusted platinum band from a secluded village church in Sussex as Caroline Marshall, 32, and James Granshaw, 29, said their vows. 32岁的卡洛琳马歇...

  • 西班牙男子设计出结婚用充气教堂

    14-06-08 据英国《每日邮报》报道,45岁的西班牙男子迈克吉尔设计出了可供人们结婚用的充气教堂。这种充气教堂不仅有尖塔和花窗玻璃,还布置了充气座椅和圣坛,简直是完美的结婚场地,但前提是你的宾客们不穿高跟鞋。 Complete with a steeple(尖塔) and stained glass-effect...