• Facebook总裁肖恩·帕克900万举办豪华婚礼

    13-06-11 The nuptials, which reportedly cost $9 million, took place in the coastal retreat of Big Sur, California in front of 300 guests. 据英国《每日电讯报》6月2日报道,美国社交网络Facebook公司的首任总裁肖恩帕克与他的歌星女友举办了婚礼,而这场婚礼则是硅谷有...

  • 瑞典玛德琳公主周六将举行大婚

    13-06-08 The fourth in line to Sweden's throne, Princess Madeleine, is set to marry US-British businessman Christopher O'Neill in a ceremony in Stockholm on Saturday. 瑞典王位第四顺位继承人,玛德琳公主将于周六在斯德哥尔摩与美籍英国商人克里斯多夫奥尼尔举行婚...

  • 婚礼上的有趣词汇

    13-05-13 Arrangements for wedding :婚礼的安排 Banns,Bridesmaids,Best man :结婚预告,伴娘,伴郎 Church,Cake,Cars,Confetti :教堂,结婚蛋糕,汽车,五彩碎纸 Dress :礼服 Etiquette :结婚礼仪 Flowers,Family Planning :鲜花,计划生育 Guests :嘉宾 Honeymoon,Hai...

  • 中文流行词

    13-04-15 晒工资 wages online exposure 点评:晒工资并非将工资拿到太阳底下去晒,而是将工资条拿到网上去曝光。基于这一意蕴,该词可译为wages online exposure。 背景:《中国青年报》近日所做的民意调查显示,47.5%的人上网看过工资条,37.7%的人愿意本着匿名填写,保证真实...

  • 枪支主题婚礼盛行美国

    13-01-10 Shotgun-themed weddings continue to boom in the US despite the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook elementary school that saw a gunman pick off 26 people. 尽管刚刚发生了桑迪霍克小学枪击悲剧事件,26人被持枪者杀害,但以枪为主题的婚礼在美国还是很盛行。 The L...

  • 三12日迎来全球新人结婚潮

    12-12-14 Wednesdays aren't usually popular days to have a wedding, but this Wednesday is very popular because the date is December 12, 2012 12/12/12. 周三本不是结婚的旺日,但本周三全球却迎来了结婚潮,因为恰逢2012年12月12日(12/12/12)。 We caught up with one...

  • 《伴娘我最大》五

    12-08-31 精彩对白 Annie: Do you mind actually if I go by myself? Helen: Sure. Okay. Annie: Lil? Lillian? Lil? Lillian: Go away. Annie: What happened? Lillian: This whole wedding is fucked up . Helen just took over everything, and everything's got out of cont...

  • 加拿大某女子拍婚纱照时溺水身亡

    12-08-27 A Canadian woman has drowned during a photoshoot as she posed in her wedding dress in water at a Quebec park. 一名加拿大女子在魁北克公园水中拍摄婚纱照的时候溺水身亡。 Estate agent Maria Pantazopoulos, 30, was apparently pulled under the water when h...

  • 美设计师用厕纸制婚纱

    12-07-01 The winner of a toilet paper wedding dress contest shows how cheap can be chic with her dress made out of 10 jumbo rolls of bathroom tissue. 一个厕纸婚纱比赛的获胜者用10卷厕纸制成的婚纱向我们表明:时尚竟可以如此便宜。 The winner of a toilet paper we...

  • 婚照登杂志封面的名人离婚几率高

    12-04-14 Celebrities whose marriages appear on the front page of a magazine are more than twice as likely to get divorced, according to a study. 研究发现,婚礼照片被登上杂志封面的名人离婚的几率要比其他名人高出两倍以上。 One in six couples (16 percent) whose...