• 《疯狂动物城》第14章

    23-01-30 Judy and Nick were led inside the house and into a lavishly decorated office. A large polar bear entered the room. Is that Mr. Big? Judy whispered to Nick. No, he answered. An even bigger polar bear lumbered in behind. What about him? Is that him? J...

  • 与“婚姻”有关的英语说法

    22-12-02 Do you marry me?、Will you marry me? 和 Would you marry me? 三者的差异是什么? 下面,我们就来看看这些与 婚姻 有关的句子,再通过例句讲解它们的语法形式 。 首先,人们一般不说:Do you marry me?。在向某人求婚,也就是问这个人愿不愿意成为你的丈夫或妻子时,...

  • a slip of the pen 笔误

    22-12-01 搭配 a slip of the pen 的意思是 笔误,指 (书写时的)拼写、语法或用词错误。如果某人 make a slip of the pen,意思就是此人 因疏忽而出笔误或写错字。 例句 I made a slip of the pen and wrote that the car was worth 1,000 not 10,000! 我笔误写错了,这辆车值...

  • One Hundred Years of Solitude 百年孤独 Chapter 5

    22-10-17 AURELIANO BUENDA and Remedios Moscote were married one Sunday in March before the altar Father Nicanor Reyna had set up in the parlor. It was the culmination of four weeks of shocks in the Moscote household because little Remedios had reached pubert...

  • 拖延症

    22-09-21 中国社科院的一项调查显示,目前中国有86%的职场人都认为自己患有拖延症。 50%的人不到最后一刻,绝不开始工作。13%的人没有人催,不能完成工作。真的太人间真实了! 那你知道,拖延症用英语怎么说吗? 拖延症可以用procrastination / prkrstne()n /这个词来表达,它还...