• 哈里王子婚礼纪念品已开始发售

    18-03-24 A new range of royal wedding memorabilia has gone on sale to raise money for the homeless in Windsor. 为了给温莎的流浪者募资,一批新的英国王室婚礼纪念品已开始发售。 Non-profit brand For Richer, For Poorer has launched the collection - which includes...

  • Borrowed Bio

    17-04-12 Borrowed Bio Ange Mlinko Where wed recently lain, exchanging a kiss, stork consorted with crane, limpkin with ibis. Was this as much wedding as there would ever be, the fowls foot-webbing, the identificatory ring around a throat? Exchange of earth a...

  • 抛弃传统 很多新娘完婚后就将婚纱卖掉

    17-03-15 Buying a bridal gown can be a pretty hefty expense, but some brides eschewing tradition and selling their used wedding dresses online instead of storing them for the next generation. 买婚纱花费相当高昂,但是有些新娘却抛弃传统,将自己穿过的婚纱在网上...

  • 印度议员提议对奢华婚礼征税

    17-02-24 Ranjeet Ranjan, a member of parliament from the eastern state of Bihar, plans to introduce a bill designed to curb excessive wedding expenses in India. 来自印度东部比哈尔邦的一名议员兰吉特兰詹计划提出一项议案来抑制印度过多的婚礼花费。 The proposal,...

  • sponsored wedding 赞助结婚

    17-02-12 The idea of sponsoring a wedding may have your head spinning, but its growing in popularity. 赞助结婚?这个想法你听了可能有点儿晕,但现在愈发流行。 Some enterprising couples have invited more than close friends and relatives to their weddings -- the...

  • 吴奇隆与刘诗诗晒婚纱照

    16-03-10 Actor Wu Qilong and actress Liu Shishi unveiled a series of pre-wedding photos today through their management agency. 吴奇隆与刘诗诗对外公开了一些婚纱照。 In the photos, the 45-year-old Wu and 28-year-old Liu are wearing dreamy attire, and posing at...

  • “女伴郎”和“男伴娘”在澳洲婚礼上日趋流行

    16-01-31 Traditionally, brides hand-pick a group of female bridesmaids and grooms select a handful of male groomsmen to stand by their side on their wedding day. 传统上,大婚之前,新娘总会精心挑几个要好的女性作为自己的伴娘,新郎则会选几个男性当伴郎。 But man...

  • 阿根廷年轻人喜欢花钱参加婚礼主题聚会

    15-10-23 Although most young Argentinians aren't even thinking about marriage these days, they seem quite fond of wedding ceremonies. So they've come up with a bizarre party trend of fake weddings, where groups of 20- and 30-somethings get together to attend...

  • 黄晓明婚礼或将于10月举行

    15-09-07 Chinese actor Huang Xiaoming and wife Angelababy are reportedly going to host a grand wedding reception in October. 据报道,中国演员黄晓明与夫人杨颖将于十月份举行一场盛大的婚宴。 A verified Weibo account by Chen Qi, CEO of Beijing Q-Star Media Corpo...

  • 婚礼上求婚抢风头引起公怒

    15-06-05 Stealing the newlyweds' thunder is considered a terrible faux pas. 在新婚夫妇婚礼上抢风头是极度失礼的。 And so it is unsurprising that a picture showing a wedding guest proposing to his girlfriend right in front of the bride and groom at their recep...