• 加拿大埃博拉实验疫苗已经到达日内瓦

    14-10-23 The first batch of an experimental Ebola vaccine from Canada has arrived at a hospital in Geneva. 来自加拿大的首批埃博拉试验性疫苗已经到达日内瓦一家医院。 The shipment, which contains 250 vials, has been donated by the Canadian government. The Canad...

  • 加拿大开始埃博拉疫苗人类测试

    14-10-15 Canadian Minister of Health Rona Ambrose Tuesday announced the launch of Phase 1 clinical trials in human for Canada's Ebola vaccine (VSV-EBOV) at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research in Silver Spring, the U.S. state of Maryland. The Phase 1 c...

  • 加拿大向西非捐赠埃博拉病毒疫苗

    14-08-13 Canada says it will donate up to 1,000 doses of an experimental Ebola vaccine to help battle the disease's outbreak in West Africa. 加拿大政府将捐赠1000支埃博拉实验疫苗帮助西非对抗该病毒。 It comes after the World Health Organization said it was eth...

  • 世界首支登革热疫苗开始三阶临床试验

    14-07-14 The first dengue vaccine candidate (CYD-TDV) to reach phase 3 clinical testing has shown moderate protection (56%) against the disease in Asian children, according to new research published in The Lancet. Dengue is a mosquito-borne disease that infe...

  • 肝癌疫苗在白鼠实验中获得成功

    14-06-06 Tweaking(捏,扭) a protein expressed by most liver cancer cells has enabled scientists to make a vaccine that is exceedingly effective at preventing the disease in mice. Alpha-Fetoprotein, or AFP -- normally expressed during development and by liv...

  • 丙肝病毒迄今最详细的图像

    13-11-29 Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) have determined the most detailed picture yet of a crucial part of the hepatitis(肝炎) C virus, which the virus uses to infect liver cells. The new data reveal unexpected structural features of t...

  • 疟疾疫苗有望2015年问世

    13-10-09 British drug maker GlaxoSmithKline is seeking regulatory approval for the world's first malaria vaccine after trial data showed that it had cut the number of cases in African children. 英国制药公司葛兰素史克正在寻求管理机构批准生产世界上首款疟疾疫苗...

  • 某候选疫苗似乎可清除体内艾滋病毒

    13-09-12 An HIV/AIDS vaccine candidate developed by researchers at Oregon Health Science University appears to have the ability to completely clear an AIDS-causing virus from the body. The promising vaccine candidate is being developed at OHSU's Vaccine and...

  • 一种实验性疟疾疫苗被证明安全有效

    13-08-09 An investigational malaria vaccine has been found to be safe, to generate an immune system response, and to offer protection against malaria infection in healthy adults, according to the results of an early-stage clinical trial published Aug. 8 in t...

  • 中国科学家首发手足口病疫苗

    13-05-29 The first vaccine which protects children against hand, foot and mouth disease has been reported by scientists in China. 保护儿童免于手口足病的疫苗被中国科学家首次发布。 The infection causes a rash and painful blisters(水疱) , but in some cases re...