• 中国发布疫苗生产管理指导方针

    17-02-08 The central government has issued a guideline to boost development and management of vaccines. 中国政府发布一份关于疫苗开发与管理的指导方针。 The guideline, issued by the General Office of the State Council, called for support in vaccine research an...

  • problematic vaccine 问题疫苗

    16-05-16 The Supreme Peoples Procuratorate (SPP) on Tuesday announced it will directly oversee the problematic vaccine case, and urged prosecuting bodies at all levels to spare no efforts in their investigation. 最高人民检察院22日下发通知表示,最高检将直接督...

  • 中国已着手调查疫苗丑闻

    16-03-29 Chinas State Council has established a joint investigation team to look into the current vaccine trading scandal. 中国国务院已经成立一个联合调查小组调查此次疫苗交易丑闻。 Officials from Chinas top drug regulator, securities regulator and health admi...

  • 登革热疫苗小范围临床试验获成功

    16-03-17 In a small clinical trial led by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, researchers say that a promising single-dose dengue vaccine, developed by scientists at the National Institutes of Health, was 100 percent effective in preventing...

  • 如何对付寨卡病毒

    16-02-26 Health officials, drug companies, governments and the public are scrambling to understand and combat the Zika virus. The virus was first identified almost 70 years ago, but little is known about it. And now, officials suspect it could be related to...

  • 为何疟疾疫苗只对儿童婴儿有效

    15-10-27 Using new, highly sensitive genomic sequencing technology, an international team of researchers has found new biological evidence to help explain why the malaria vaccine candidate RTS,S/AS01 (called RTS,S) provided only moderate protection among vac...

  • 9阶乳头瘤病毒疫苗可预防80%的宫颈癌

    15-05-12 The new 9-valent human papillomavirus vaccine, can potentially prevent 80 percent of cervical cancers in the United States, if given to all 11- or 12-year-old children before they are exposed to the virus. In addition to protecting against 80 percen...

  • 《柳叶刀》公布RTS,S/AS01疟疾疫苗临床试验结果

    15-04-28 The first malaria vaccine candidate (RTS,S/AS01) to reach phase 3 clinical testing is partially effective against clinical disease in young African children up to 4 years after vaccination, according to final trial data, published in The Lancet. The...

  • 低疫苗接种率造成2015迪斯尼麻疹的爆发

    15-03-17 Inadequate vaccine coverage is likely a driving force behind the ongoing Disneyland measles outbreak, according to calculations by a research team at Boston Children's Hospital. Their report, based on epidemiological data and published online by JAM...

  • 埃博拉病毒疫苗将于2015年投入使用

    14-10-27 The World Health Organisation has suggested that millions of doses of two experimental Ebola vaccines could be ready for use in 2015 and five more experimental vaccines would start being tested in March. 世界卫生组织提议,数百万支实验性埃博拉病毒疫...