• birth tourism 生育旅游

    11-12-27 Thanks to the Fourteenth Amendment to the US Constitution, children born on US soil automatically become US citizens, regardless of where their parents hail from. Hence the phenomenon of US birth tourism , which appears to be a growing trend. 美国《...

  • cultural tourism 文化旅游业

    11-11-30 The ongoing Chinese Culture Year in Italy will intensify cultural tourism and spread greater mutual awareness between the two countries, a senior Italian official says. 一位意大利高级官员说,眼下在意大利举行的中国文化年活动将促进文化旅游业的发展,增...

  • 俄罗斯发生游艇沉没事故 多人失踪

    11-07-11 More than 100 people, many of them children, are feared dead after a tourist boat sank in central Russia. 俄国中部一艘游艇沉没,恐怕有超过100人死亡,其中大部分是儿童。 Dozens were rescued after the accident on the River Volga in Tatarstan, about 750...

  • 核旅游业近期较火爆

    11-04-02 Peek into a 320-foot blast crater in the Nevada desert or descend a Titan II missile silo in Arizona for a look at two of many atomic tourism sites around the world that offer history and sometimes lessons from the deadly aftermath of the nuclear ag...

  • 英国考虑把劳动节定于十月

    11-02-08 英国政府考虑把法定假日五一劳动节挪到10月,并更名为英国节或特拉法尔加节,以促进旅游业。 The British government said Saturday it was considering moving the May Day public holiday to October, in a move that would delight the tourism industry but which...

  • 日本将邀请游客免费游日本、提建议

    10-10-23 为了吸引更多游客并为其提供更好的服务,日本观光厅将邀请一百名母语为英语、汉语和韩语的游客游览日本几个主要城市,并请他们就如何在使用公共交通、入住当地酒店以及在当地餐馆就餐等方面为游客提供更多便利贡献建议。 Japan is planning to recruit dozens of forei...

  • 南亚出现超级病菌 印度否认是其发源地

    10-08-21 近日,在南亚等地出现了一种超级病菌,这种新型病菌可以通过饮水等途径传播,引发肠道感染等病症,而且对几乎所有抗生素都具有抗药性。英国医学周刊日前发布研究报告称,这种病菌发源于印度,并用印度首都新德里为前缀为该病菌命名。印度政府对此表示愤怒,宣称这是针...

  • 秘鲁景点马丘比丘重新对外开放

    10-04-02 Peru's most famous archaeological site, Machu Picchu, has formally reopened after it was closed for two months. 秘鲁最著名的考古遗址,马丘比丘,在关闭两个月之后,日前正式对外开放。 Machu Picchu reopens Hundreds of tourists, including US actress Susa...

  • “奥巴马和世界杯”促进非洲旅游业发展

    10-01-25 The Obama effect of a US president with African heritage and the 2010 World Cup are boosting tourism in Africa, industry experts say. 美国总统奥巴马对于非洲遗产的奥巴马效应以及2010年世界杯的举行,促进了非洲旅游业的发展。 Africa was the only continen...

  • N Korea eases South tourism rules 朝鲜减缓与韩国越境旅游规定

    09-08-17 North Korea has agreed to reopen its border with South Korea and allow tourism and family reunions to resume, the North's KCNA news agency said. 朝中社报道,朝鲜同意开放韩国边界以允许观光旅游和家人团聚。 Kim Jong-il held talks with Hyundai's chairwo...